Author: Danielle Luaulu

Danielle Luaulu lives in San Francisco where she constantly toes the line between nerd and lady. As a teenager, she fell in love with Sandman’s Morpheus and started wearing lots of black. Now, she's a graduate of SFSU where she studied creative writing and lives vicariously through her level 10 drow bard. She has a love and fascination for all things super and natural, as well as supernatural. Comics are her life, as well as playing games in which she gets to be the hero or villain or a combination of both. Depends on her mood.


Calvin Rose returns to Manhattan to bring down yet another facet of the Court of Owls… and to find his beloved Casey and her daughter Sarah. Does he get the jump on the Court? Does he get the girl? Or does he once again find himself in the Court’s clutches? More after the jump!

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Hacked coordinates. Rogue missiles. Carnivorous sea beasties. Giant tidal waves. Inter-office dating. What is happening to this world and how will the Justice League cope? Major Spoilers dives in! Also, Shazam!

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Robyn Hood has made it her business to beat King John at his own game. Sure, that might mean she has to enter an obviously rigged tournament designed to capture and potentially kill her, but she’s going to do it, dang-it! Will she escape John’s clutches or will she become his prisoner? Behold, your Robyn Hood review awaits!

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The revamped history of Duela Dent is revealed, as are her master plans and her secret partner in crime. After Batgirl is captured, it all falls on a newly reformed Catwoman to call in the cavalry. Will she make it in time or will the world fall into a girl-power-induced-cacophony of madness? Major Spoilers finds out!

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Just in the time for the holiday season, Hellboy has gone to hell! Mike Mignola writes and illustrates his new ongoing Hellboy series and does exactly what the title promises. Is there any hope for Big Red or will he succumb to his fiery doom? More after the jump!

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The Green Hornet, Kato and The Shadow team up to take on the Justice Party, a corrupt political party that has swept New York State by storm. Also, the Spider… More after the jump!

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After some slight embarrassment about his part in the Phoenix saga, Bruce Banner is here to tell Maria Hill what’s what. He wants rights and he wants them now! Also, he Hulks out and beats some people up.

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The Clown Prince of Crime is back in action in a major way. After he took out nearly a police station worth of cops, he set his sites on Alfred Pennyworth. With Pennyworth’s kidnapping, Batman attempts to stay three steps ahead of the Joker’s plans, but will it be at the risk of the Bat Family? More after the jump!

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Daredevil is dead. Long live Daredevil! It’s left to Ben Urich to find out why Matt Murdock fell off the grid and generally became a recluse until the day of his death. Will some light finally be shed on this case or will Urich be left further puzzled? More after the jump!

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Aliens are attacking… again! When a new primordial menace arrives and starts attacking Metropolis, it’s the Man of Steel to the rescue… again! This time, though, the monster comes from a very familiar alien planet, one that will shake the very foundations of the Superman family. More after the jump!

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Catwoman is being followed as burnt mementos of her friend Lola start literally dropping in her lap. Will she figure out who her stalker is or will she end up a pawn in a larger game? More after the jump.

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The Hypernaturals team continues to investigate the deaths of the previous team, while a headless robot trashes their headquarters. Will they solve the biggest mystery of the Quantinuum or if they get a gigantic robot fist to the face? More after the jump!

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