Author: Stephen Schleicher

Stephen Schleicher began his career writing for the Digital Media Online community of sites, including Digital Producer and Creative Mac covering all aspects of the digital content creation industry. He then moved on to consumer technology, and began the Coolness Roundup podcast. A writing fool, Stephen has freelanced for Sci-Fi Channel's Technology Blog, and Gizmodo. Still longing for the good ol' days, Stephen launched Major Spoilers in July 2006, because he is a glutton for punishment. You can follow him on Twitter @MajorSpoilers and tell him your darkest secrets...

Next week on the Major Spoilers Podcast, the crew take a look at DC’s JSA: The Golden Age by James Robinson – yes the same fellow behind Starman. From Publisher’s Weekly Clearly influenced by Alan Moore’s Watchmen, this reissue depicts DC’s superheroes from the 1940s hanging up their capes following the end of WWII. Whereas Moore’s superheroes were forced into retirement, here the heroes succumb to disillusionment, personality flaws and even madness. Robinson unpersuasively projects the dark pessimism of 1990s superhero comics onto the idealistic, committed heroes of half a century before. One of these “mystery men,” Tex Thompson, alias…

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You’ve probably seen it before, but after my previous post about Superman: Flyby, I thought it would be a good idea to share this incarnation of Superman with everyone.

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Can you believe Brendan Fraser could have been Superman, and that Lex Luthor might have been a Fox Mulder type character working for the CIA?  That’s how the story would have played out if J.J. Abrams had his way with Superman: Flyby that was in production from 2002 – 2004. On Earth, Lex Luthor is a CIA Agent who specializes in X-Files-type cases, Clark meets Lois Lane before she’s a reporter, and the super suit is actually a living liquid contraption that sucks Clark Kent into it. Of course Kata-Zor finds Clark and sends his own son Ty-Zor to Earth…

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“This is the first I’ve heard of it. I have no idea how this awful thing happened. It’s just one of those terrible and glorious things that happen time to time in publishing.” – Frank Miller’s reaction on the All-Star Batman & Robin #10 printing error and recall. via Hero Complex

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2009 will see a return of IDW’s Locke & Key series with Locke & Key: Head Games #1.  Until then, the Joe Hill series will get a deluxe hardcover edition featuring the first storyline; Locke & Key: Welcome to Lovecraft. Locke & Key: Welcome to Lovecraft tells of the Locke family, who relocate after an unspeakable tragedy to Keyhouse, an unlikely New England mansion, with fantastic doors that transform all who dare to walk through them… and home to a hate-filled and relentless creature that will not rest until it forces open the most terrible door of them all… I…

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Exclusive interview: Stephen King talks about “N.” Master storyteller Stephen King presents a revolutionary new form of entertainment: his short story “N.” brought to vibrant life through a series of 25 graphic video episodes available at www . nishere . com. The original series tells the story of a psychiatrist who falls victim to the same deadly obsession as his patient—an obsession that just might save the world! Drawn by award-wining comic book artist Alex Maleev, and colored by famed comic book colorist José Villarrubia, the episodes were adapted by Marc Guggenheim, co-creator of the ABC-TV series “Eli Stone” with…

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Say What!?  Universal Pictures just cut a deal to bring that most awesome of ’70’s shows Sigmund and the Sea Monsters to the big screen.  Dana Gould of The Simpsons fame will be writing and producing. “Sigmund” originally ran on NBC from 1973-75, and the show was a staple in reruns on local TV stations for the rest of the decade. After the sea monster is booted from his home by his nasty brothers for being too nice, Sigmund is befriended by two friends who stash him in their clubhouse. As a wee lad, I remember going down to the…

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Warner Bros. has announced it will rerelease The Dark Knight to IMAX theaters in January, right smack dab in the middle of Academy Awards voting season. Warners domestic distribution president Dan Fellman acknowledged ongoing talks with Imax executives about the prospect of restoring the Christian Bale starrer to some number of giant-screen venues in January. It’s uncertain if “Dark Knight” also will reappear in conventional venues at that point. There’s no question the company is sending the flick back to theaters to garner more attention for votes, but don’t think it is an attempt to make a run at Titanic’s…

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Dark Horse Comics has sent Major Spoilers the cover images and solicitation information for titles arriving in December 2008. This month features the return of Beanworld in print, and Harmony’s return in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

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For Archie fans, Thursday is the day to visit the Major Spoilers site as we bring you a sneak peek of Archie Comics titles arriving next week.  Take the jump for Betty & Veronica Spectacular #85, plus a look at the company’s new trade dress and logo.

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Seriously, when Christopher Nolan hasn’t even signed to direct the third film, and while no announcements have been made about Warner even greenlighting another Batman movie, did you really think the reports about Philip Seymour Hoffman playing the Penguin were true? Really? Really? This is one of those silly rumors that have been around for a many years, and it took a quick interview with Hoffman to put it to rest. “No one has talked to me about it ever — never,” replied Hoffman. “It happened, like, five years ago, too. It was a rumor back then and it’s still…

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As many of you saw this week, DC issued a recall of the Frank Miller/Jim Lee All-Star Batman and Robin issue, citing printing errors.  Any issues that may have “accidentally” reached the local comic shops were supposed to be destroyed.  The printing error in question had to do with a couple four letter words and the dark censor bar that just wasn’t dark enough to block out those words. When you send out an announcement like that, two things are bound to happen; A) LCSes that want to make a fast buck are going to sell the issue for 10…

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Man, I do hope I have T-Bird and Throttle on my pull list for the week. I’m really interested to see what Josh can do with characters that aren’t returning from the dead with an axe in hand.  Did anyone read the DC Minx title he did the art for? via Josh Howard

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