The attack on Graymalkin Prison continues as Rogue’s Louisiana-based team enters the fray. But will they be able to tell who’s friend or foe? Your Major Spoilers review of Uncanny X-Men #7 awaits!

Writer: Gail Simone
Artists: David Marquez and Edgar Salazar
Colorist: David Marquez and Matthew Wilson
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: December 11th, 2024
Previously in Uncanny X-Men: Rogue, Gambit, and Wolverine have unwittingly become the mentors to a new group of young mutants. Two of them, Calico and Jubilee, were kidnapped and taken to a prison for mutants.
Uncanny X-Men #7 starts an hour before the raid on the prison begins, with Rogue and Cyclops arguing over the phone. Cyclops is trying to talk Rogue out of showing up at the prison when he attacks because he’s worried that it’ll be seen as an act of war. Rogue isn’t having it because two of her team have been captured, and Cyclops can’t expect her to fall in line when he took too long to step up and take charge initially. At the prison, Jubilee tries to protect Calico from the guards and is beaten down just as Cyclops and his team arrive. Calico is let go due to her mother’s influence, but as she walks down the road, she has a change of mind. Rogue’s team is contemplating a way in when Calico and her flaming horse crash through the prison walls. They enter just as Cyclops’ team encounters The Blob. After dealing with him, Rogue and Cyclops and their respective teams square off. After a tense moment, the prison warden utilizes a weapon that sets off a domino effect that leads to the two teams fighting. Elsewhere, Calico is able to get to Jubilee and Beast, and they begin their escape.
What’s strange about Uncanny X-Men #7 is that while it doesn’t push the actual plot of the Graymalkin Prison raid forward that much, it does tons for cementing the tension between Rogue and Cyclops. This conflict is treated with nuance, it’s not about who’s right or wrong, but more about what sort of right does Cyclops have in telling Rogue what to do with her team, and does he have a point in that having two teams attacking a prison could cause more problems in the long run. Most characters get their moment in this issue, but in particular, Calico gets a great moment, as does Jubilee and Beast. The actual fight between the two teams is silly, though, having kicked off over such a strange detail that it could be confused as a bit of slapstick. Also, the fight itself isn’t exciting, except for the way the Judgernaut is utilized. Other than that, most of it is just characters awkwardly tackling or grappling with each other, and while this does give them some opportunities for one-liners and quips, it comes off as just lifeless. The warden continues to be a very one-note villain in this, and it’s the “cruel disregard of everything except her goals” note, which is far from uncommon. Still, the high point of this issue is the struggle between Rogue and Cyclops, which permeates everything in this issue, elevating even the lesser bits.
For the most part, the art in Uncanny X-Men #7 matches the first part of the crossover that started over on X-Men. In fact, in some places, it matched up too well. It turns out that in a couple of places, panels from X-Men #8 were redone here. On the one hand, this reusing of panels helps keep events oriented with each other, but on the other hand, it seems like a missed opportunity to add something new to the whole shebang.
The best part of this issue has nothing to do with the crossover that it belongs to. While there are some fun moments as the two teams interact with each other, there are also some dull and lifeless moments. But, the ongoing impact of Rogue’s and Cyclops’ growing tension is by far the most interesting part of this. It’s a complicated conflict, not based on tedious details but on the complexity of the emotions and histories. 3.5 out of 5 stars.
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Uncanny X-Men #7
Uncanny X-Men #7 has a lot going on for it. It also has some not-so-great parts. Unfortunately the bad parts have to do with the crossover it’s a part of.