The team readies themselves to enter the black hole. The question remains, is what lies within a threat, or something else entirely? Your Major Spoilers review of Dark Empty Void #2, awaits!

Writer: Zack Kaplan
Artist: Chris Shehan
Colorist: Francesco Segala
Letterer: Justin Birch
Editor: James B. Emmett
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: November 13th, 2024
Previously in Dark Empty Void: A psychologist is reunited with her husband she has recently separated from when an experiment he was working on resulted in an active black hole and a mysterious woman appearing in his facility.
Dark Empty Void #1 starts with a collection of scientists and facility officials discussing whether or not the black hole and the woman, Art, who came from it are threats or opportunities. It is then suggested that there’s a possibility that it can be both things depending on how it is approached. A team, including Art, is then put together to venture into the black hole and see if they can find anything about the black hole or signs of the previous teams who have gone in and failed to return. One member of the security team explains that they’ve seen a lot of combat, but the black hole is the only thing that has ever scared them. The team then goes over the nature of the black hole as they enter it. They soon discover the remains of one of the previous team members. They also discover that some glowing dust around them appears to act with intention, so they decide to follow it. Which then leads them to something dangerous and unexpected.
Dark Empty Void #1 takes its time getting both its characters and readers into the meat of this issue. Yet, it also manages to make all the talking and theorizing that leads up to the major story beat, have weight and tension. The feeling of anticipation as the team gets ready to walk into the black hole is tangible without being cartoonish, these characters have real concerns and express them appropriately. This, in turn, helps enforce the symbolism of the black hole, which had already been used pretty effectively for depression in the previous issue. This one also begins to also represent things like distrust, fear, and doubt. The arrival of the creature towards the end of this issue threatens to turn this into a simple monster story, which would be a shame, but its presence in this issue is limited and so far doesn’t change the slower and ponderous pace this story has had so far. As this story widens and becomes more complex, the relationship between the divorcing couple and their relationship with Art, remain the anchors, and are still competent lenses to view the rest of the events through.
The amount of effort that seems to have gone into making sure that the black hole and everything inside it is both beautiful to look at and terrifying to think about, is truly commendable. Even once inside the black hole and the team is presented with a very visceral indication of the danger they are in, they can’t help but be captivated by their surroundings, which is conveyed wonderfully through the use of colors. Even the creature towards the end is beautifully depicted. Even though it’s only seen after it commits an act of shocking violence, you still kind of want to pet it.
Dark Empty Void #2 builds off of the first issue in meaningful ways, while taking its time, maintaining its tone, and making sure that a human story remains at the core of this. The art and writing come together to not only expand on the symbolism and range of emotions at play here, but to also emphasize the danger that lurks behind all of the very pretty things. 4.5 out of 5 stars.
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Dark Empty Void #2
Dark Empty Void #2 takes the foundation laid in the first issue and builds up from it in smart ways that allow it to grow bigger while maintaining its identity.