DC Comics released a pretty cool cover featuring the alternate Flashpoint heroes, and it looks pretty cool.
Take the jump to see another set of teaser tags and logos for the new characters.
When did Cyborg become our protector of Truth, Justice and the American Way?
Why is Citizen Cold the greatest hero of Central City?
Where will the Ravager strike next?
Who is the Outsider and why is he better than you?
What is top secret?
Something’s telling me that I am not going to like this.
I’ve got a bad feeling about this.
I look forward to this, Cyborg as the main hero other than Superman in the comics?
Citizen Cold central cities greatest hero?
This could be interesting!
In my view DC have been doing well with story arcs, Blackest Night and Brightest Day have both been amazing so far.
My god… this just seems so lame…
I’m intrigued, but I like alternate reality stories and that sort of thing. It isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, though.
Why are they not calling this what it actually is: “Elseworld”?
Because according to DC, this is part of the main continuity, and not something that takes place on one of the other 52 Earths…
So the fact that it’s an alternate reality of the main univverse makes it different from the Elseworld stories that take place in alternate universes? If it’s really part of continuity I hope it has concequences once it fixed, beyond the bad guy been stuck in time-loop or something.
I’ve already seen it referred to as “DC’s Age of Apocalypse”
and the original ad, I thought the helmeted figure was Orm for some reason.
now with the DC Direct teaser solicit, I know that’s Diana.
Props to Vic, who has been getting a slight push to bump up to the “Majors” again, but then, these are the same “push” people are the ones who wet themselves over SuperFriends. A connection? I think so.
So many jaded readers nowadays. Really makes me sad that something so fun can make people think “lame”
Alternate reality stories are not Elseworlds. They are basic tropes of the genre.
i agree with you on so many people being jaded nowadays.
I can definitely see their point though.
Elseworlds stories used to be just alternate reality stories, they became Elseworlds when writers began to incorporate characters and situations from them into the regular continuity. In a universe that specifically has 52 alternate realities making a sub-alternate reality waters down both concepts.
But again, this type of story is a staple and has been done long before Age of Apocalypse or Elseworlds.
One major well recieved example is X-men’s Days of Future Past. Sometimes I just chalk these things up as people who perhaps enjoy naysaying things.
I’ll with-hold judgement on this one until I see some of the work. Part of me says “interesting” and another part of me says “Dear Lord are they going to change everything every summer just because they can?”
Why does the Citizen Cold logo remind me of Dr. Theopolis?
I just like all the cool little logos for all the characters.