Extended family, foes turning friends, and a complete inability to tell untruth? For The Scarlet Witch, it’s just Thursday. Your Major Spoilers review of Scarlet Witch #8 from Marvel Comics awaits!

Writer: Steve Orlando
Artist: Lorenzo Tammetta & Sara Pichelli
Colorist: Frank William
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Editor: Alanna Smith
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: September 6, 2023
Previously in Scarlet Witch: When Loki’s mountain giant cousin comes through the Last Door desperate to secure the right to rule his people, the Scarlet Witch agrees to confront the King of Jotunheim. But things are never what they seem with Loki, God of Stories, and when the truth comes out, sparks just might fly
After the unexpected resurrection of her adoptive father, Magneto, turned out to be his clone instead, Wanda agreed to help him in seeking his own redemption. Their first joint mission comes as an Asgardian giant named Arkin the Weak arrives seeking help in gaining the throne of his people, a throne currently stolen by Loki! Wanda arrives at the God of Lies’ throne room with not only a challenge, but a truth hex, meaning that neither of them can tell a falsehood for the next hour. The witch and the god enter into a duel of honesty, revealing the most intimate and hidden truths. Wanda and Loki find much common ground, from their tendency to die to their misadventures battling gods, realizing that they’re kindred spirits. They even have superhero brothers who are maddening, and Loki realizes that they should be friends… or perhaps more?
But as he goes in for the kiss, Wanda tells him that she could only love him as his true self, and Loki knows that is the one thing he can NEVER be.
That final body blow is exquisitely delivered, and the disconsolate look that appears on Loki’s face is truly impressive. The blocking of their duel is presented as a dance, which is even more impressive, reminding me of how good Tammetta and Pachelli’s work is. The use of Joseph here may be the first time I’ve ever given even the slightest iota of a darn about the character, and he makes an interesting addition to the cast. Given that we’ve already seen Quicksilver and Polaris in these pages, Wanda is clearly coming to terms not only with her sorcery, but with her extended family, and as such, I hope that Joseph’s presence here continues. My only real complaint is that, once she sets out for Jotunheim, he’s completely sidelined from the story, but even that is something I can live with when the story is this well-rendered.
The deep cuts of continuity, as well as the impressive amount of attention given to the duel sequence, make Scarlet Witch #8 well worth your time and attention, with its clever premise and well-done art pulling together for a very memorable comic book experience and 4 out of 5 stars overall. I’m actually surprised at how little attention is being paid to this hidden gem in Marvel’s monthly catalogue, as this creative team has completely reinvented Wanda Maximoff, making her a top-tier player in both power and presentation, and it’s a development whose time has absolutely come.
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The most entertaining story ever to feature Joseph, the clone of Magneto, including a surprising development for Wanda and Loki.