Jean Grey died at the Hellfire Gala, but perhaps she can still save herself. Witness her journey into the past in Jean Grey #1 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Louise Simonson
Artist: Bernard Chang
Colorist: Marcelo Maiolo
Letterer: Ariana Maher
Editor: Sarah Brunstad
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: August 23rd, 2023
Previously in Jean Grey: Jean Grey, a founding member of the X-Men as Marvel Girl, later became the host of the Phoenix Force. On Krakoa, she held a position on the Quiet Council before resigning. During Orchis’ assault on the Hellfire Gala, she perished, and there is no resurrection protocol to save her.
Jean Grey #1 opens with the title character delving into her memories, eventually focusing on the time when the X-Men traveled to the future and returned to the present before the influence of the Phoenix Force. Jean Grey’s decisions are scrutinized; notably her erasing Magneto’s memories to avert a perilous future. She embarks on a crusade, attempting to strip various villains of their free will and even resorting to abducting children before their mutant abilities emerge. Her actions are disapproved by her fellow X-Men, who believe she’s crossed a line. Consequently, she embraces the Phoenix Force fully. However, her attempt at strategizing leads to a catastrophic mistake, resulting in the apparent annihilation of the X-Men team.
In a sense, Jean Grey #1 revisits past storylines in a contemporary setting under the guidance of an experienced X-Men writer. As I started reading, I anticipated a connection to the Hellfire Gala within the pages, yet it didn’t materialize. After, I expected unique insights from the future version of Jean Grey, but these were absent. Upon completing the book, I found myself unsure of what I, the reader, and likely the intended audience, were meant to glean from this tale. It feels like a return to a well-worn narrative path despite numerous new elements awaiting exploration. The creative team has executed the writing and art admirably, demonstrating nuance in artistic style and dialogue choices. Nonetheless, this rendition doesn’t constitute a reinterpretation of a classic story; instead, it comes across as a repetition. I struggled to unearth the depth that the book was meant to convey.
Jean Grey #1 seems out of step with the ongoing Hellfire Gala event. Presumably, this work is designed to lead toward a significant revelation with lasting implications for the Marvel mythos. However, I’m finding it challenging to identify a solid foundation to hold onto. Considering this, I’m inclined to assign a 3.5 out of 5 rating. While I anticipate that the story might make more sense as a complete trade, as a standalone issue, it falls somewhat short.
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Jean Grey #1
Jean Grey #1 revisits an existing narrative rather than introducing innovative concepts.