After the Sins of Sinister, the Quiet Council is in disarray. Can Storm help put Krakoa back on track? Find out in Immortal X-Men #11 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Kieron Gillen
ARtist: Lucas Werneck
Colorist: David Curiel
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Editor: Jordan White
Publisher: Clayton Cowles
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 3rd, 2023
Previously in Immortal X-Men: The Sins of Sinister timeline has been reset, and the danger of that future is on everyone’s mind. Professor X, Emma Frost, Exodus, and Hope carry the Sinister gene, and Mother Righteous and Rasputin IV know the exact specifics of that dangerous future.
In the alternative timeline, Exodus kills Hope, leading to a brawl between this current version and Hope to beat up Exodus. Mother Righteous gives Mystique a recording of Destiny that incriminates her. And Storm realizes she can’t be on the Great Ring of Arakko and the Quiet Council. After some choices, words, and thoughts, Storm leaves for Arakko. She then returns to give her voting capabilities to Colossus if she is not there for any significant event.
The art was a standard affair for Marvel, and I don’t have any complaints. The view of Storm interjecting between Hope and Exodus shows how dynamic Storm’s powers are, even against powerful mutants. Good work by the creative team.
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Immortal X-Men #11 is a dynamic book that resolves lingering feelings from the Sins of Sinister event.