Marty robbed the entire strip mall during his lunch break! However, he stole the wrong thing from bad people. Find out if this Burger Lord employee survives Church of the Immortal Heartbeat in TRVE KVLT #2 by IDW Publishing!

Writer: Scott Bryan Wilson
Artist: Liana Kangas
Colorist: Gab Contreras
Letterer: DC Hopkins
Editor: Chase W. Marotz
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Cover Price:: $3.99
Release Date: September 14th, 2022
Previously in TRVE KVLT: Marty Tarantella is a Burger Lord shift manager sick of his dead-end life. He successfully committed a heist where he robbed the entire strip mall. However, he stole something belonging to the Church of the Immortal Heartbeat. As he interviews Alison, a potential new employee, he is confronted by the Church.
TRVE KVLT #2 starts with the police leaving Burger Lord after questioning Bernice. As the Burger Lord employees prepare for the rest of the shift, Bernice realizes that Marty is missing. Marty and Allison are kidnapped and thrown in the back of a van. Allison starts talking up a storm as Marty tries to figure out what is happening. Meanwhile, Bernice thinks something is wrong when she notices a gun near Marty’s car. She looks at the cameras, realizes that Marty has been kidnapped, and starts investigating where Marty was taken.
Elsewhere, Marty and Allison arrive at the office of a mysterious woman. The woman eats a Burger Lord cheeseburger and starts questioning Marty’s intentions. She deems Marty as a criminal mastermind and tells him he must join the Church. His mission is to kill their prophet, Doctor Shiver!
Marty, Alison, and Bernice are great characters. I’ve worked in the food industry and know people similar to them. In fact, the characters feel very human, even the employees that aren’t extremely important to the story. TRVE KVLT #2 struggled with an antagonist. This new character that wants Marty to kill for her isn’t that engaging. Her primary trait for me was that she didn’t like mayo on her burger. Because of that, it is hard for me to be interested in the Church of the Immortal Heartbeat. These characters that are part of this cult seem so flat compared to the rest of the cast. Maybe that will change in future issues. Regardless, the comic is well drawn and told very well. Great work by the creative team.
TRVE KVLT #2 has a great premise, but I am not connected to the villain quite yet. I love the uniqueness of the series, and I want to know more. TRVE KVLT #2 is a solid 3.5 out of 5 stars and a recommendation from me thus far.
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TRVE KVLT #2 tells a compelling story of Marty, who has pissed off the wrong people.