The 1980s X-Factor return to deal with an international incident involving mutants and Latveria. Come check out if Havok and his team in X-Men Legends #5 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Peter David
Artist: Todd Nauck
Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Editor: Mark Basso
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: July 21st, 2021
Previously in X-Men Legends: X-Men Legends reunites us to fan-favorite X-Men creative teams. This issue reunites us with Peter David run of X-Factor with Polaris, Havok, Wolfsbane, Strong Guy, Quicksilver, and Madrox! This is set between X-Factor #75 and #76.
X-Men Legends #5 begins with a court case between the United States and X-Factor. It opens with Val Cooper saying this case is a publicity stunt. That if this was the Avengers, they would be handing out medals. Thus X-Factor begins to tell their story. They heard about the mutant incident of Latverian Embassy where a group of mutants has taken people hostage. Val Cooper called the X-Factor team on Christmas Eve to handle the problem. However, they weren’t the first call but the Avengers and the Fantastic Four didn’t want to take the case. Instead, X-Factor went in, but the team is not on the same page. While Havok, Polaris, and Quicksilver try to wait for the entire team before formulating a plan. Madrox and Strong Guy attack the embassy straight on as a distraction for Wolfsbane to sneak in. However, Wolfsbane is quickly found and taken hostage!
Doctor Doom is usually a compelling villain, and I was interested that he did not give a public statement on the hostage situation. It surprised me that X-Factor would even have to act in this situation. X-Men Legends #5 set a foundation of democracy verses tyranny. The mutants who have taken hostages made demands for democracy. Quicksilver speculated that the reason why the Avengers and Fantastic Four didn’t take this job, is because they didn’t want the bad publicity. The negative view of helping Doctor Doom is something that would hurt their reputation. But for mutants, it is okay. Modern X-Men comics has mutants running an entire nation with huge displays of power. I admit I forgot that older comics had mutants as second-class citizens. Returning to this kind of plot line really shines a lot on the current state of the X-Men and gives greater understanding to the decisions in the nation of Krakoa.
I liked that X-Men Legends #5 had a lot of action. While the premise of the comic was a court case, I feared that it was going to feel very slow. This comic really kept the plot points coming continuously. From the initial attack to watching Madrox multiple to overcome a forcefield, there was so much excitement on the page. Great work by the artist and colorist on this series.
X-Men Legends #5 works really well. Peter David had a great run of X-Factor in the 80s and it is great to see a return to that. The art style is fun and engaging and the story writing is enjoyable with a strong narrative arc. I will give this one a 4.5 out of 5 but I admit it might just be my love for X-Men and a nostalgia kick for me. Great work here by the creative team and hopefully more Doctor Doom next issue!
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X-Men Legends #5
X-Men Legends #5 returns us to the Peter David run of X-Factor. The story is well written and the art is in that great 80s style.