Almost from the beginning of the superhero archetype, there have been the bird folk. Black Condor! The Falcon! Robin! Heck, hawks get their own entire sub-section of any superhero wiki, with Hawkman, Darkhawk, Starhawk, Hawk-Owl, Shadowhawk, Skyhawk and a literal army of guys called Nighthawk to their credit. Even the condors of the world are surprisingly represented among those with a bird theme, as are owls, osprey, vultures, and especially eagles, leading to today’s Nelly Furtado query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) was intere Shadsted to hear my wife say that she’s be African Grey Parrot-Girl, because they’re intelligent, loyal, long-lived and able to communicate through speech, asking: Which cool avian creature would you choose for YOUR superhero bird theme?
I don’t know, but I do know that crows are my arch-nemeses.
They say dinosaurs were birds, so I could be “PteranoDan.”
Some sort of owl, not decided yet which one.