Who or what are The Fractal Lanterns? Your Major Spoilers review of Green Lantern: Fractured Spectrum #1 from DC Comics awaits!

Writer: Jeremy Adams
Artist: V. Ken Marion
Colorist: Romulo Fajardo, Jr.
Letterer: Dave Sharpe
Editor: Paul Kaminski
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $6.99
Release Date: January 15, 2025
Previously in Green Lantern: Fractured Spectrum: Once again, Oa has become the epicenter of the Green Lantern Corps, bringing justice to the furthest corners of the galaxy. But a new threat has emerged: beings that manifest uncontrolled parts of the emotional spectrum have randomly appeared throughout the universe. Dubbed “Fractal lanterns,” Hal and a reformed Green Lantern Corps set off to police this strange new phenomenon while uncovering a sinister plot that could eliminate the very essence of sentient life.
After the schism of Civil Corps nearly split the Green Lanterns for good, the remaining Lanterns have returned to Oa to assemble a new Green Lantern era. Having relocated Earth’s power battery, now under the protection of the android Jadestone (a modified Amazo used by Amanda Waller during the events of Absolute Power, powered by the Starheart that Golden Age Green Lantern Alan Scott’s power comes from), the Corps is rebuilding. Unfortunately, The Sorrow Lantern is also at large in the universe, invading the Library of Forever in search of The Book of Oa, a tome written by the original Guardians. With the new, younger Guardians unaware of the secrets within, the investigation into what Sorrow Lantern wants is left to… GUY GARDNER?
It truly is a whole new day for the Green Lantern Corps.
One thing that I find very heartening about this issue is seeing that the new Corps includes Earth Lanterns Guy, Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, John Stewart, and Jessica Cruz, as well as Teen Lantern Keli Quintana. Kilowog is here, as are Jo Mullein, Simon Baz, and half a dozen others, which sets the expectation that we’re not getting just another Hal solo book. Though I’m still not 100% sure about the Sorrow Lantern, it seems like a natural progression from the concept of the Emotional Spectrum and one that opens some interesting doors for storytelling. The fact that this story picks up with yet another destruction of the Green Lantern Corps, removal of the Guardians, and interstellar war is less ideal for me, as it feels like we’ve been in a cycle of destroy-and-rebuild for nearly 20 years. (Yes, friends, Green Lantern: Rebirth was 20 years ago, this October.)
Artwise, V. Ken Marion reminds me a bit of Todd Nauck, with elements of Tom Grummett. That’s a little bit of a problem for me, as this issue’s Guy Gardner has an anime haircut and looks to be all of 23 years old. Even Hal Jordan himself comes across as a big-eyed, long-necked young man, which makes for some dynamic layouts, but also makes things feel a bit juvenile.
All in all, Green Lantern: Fractured Corps #1 has a lot going for it, including a varied cast of characters, an interesting new look at the secrets of space and the Green Lantern Corps, as well as some interesting new wrinkles in the color-coded Lantern selection, earning 3 out of 5 stars overall. There’s nothing really wrong with the art, especially if you like Nauck or Humberto Ramos, but it’s not exactly to my tastes, and I’d like to see this new look Green Lantern Corps get more than 18 issues to establish their status quo before they blow it all up.
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The ol' "blow up the Corps" trick has been pulled a lot, but there are moments in this issue that make me want to see where this iteration is going.
If only I could believe DC editorial won't blow up THIS new Corps in 12 to 14 months.