Green Arrow betrayed his friends and family to work for Amanda Waller. They say all’s well that ends well, but that doesn’t make forgiveness a certainty. Your Major Spoilers review of Green Arrow #17 from DC Comics awaits!

GREEN ARROW #17 (#350 Legacy)
Writer: Joshua Williamson/Chris Condon
Artist: Amancay Nahuelpan/Montos
Colorist: Romulo Fajardo, Jr./Adriano Lucas
Letterer: Troy Peteri/Hassan Ostmane-Elhaou
Editor: Paul Kaminski
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: October 23, 2024
Previously in Green Arrow: Oliver Queen did the unthinkable to protect his family, and now must deal with the ramifications of his actions.
Will his family and friends forgive him?
After aligning himself with Amanda Waller’s Bureau of Sovereignty, Green Arrow was alienated by the entire superhero community, including his wife, sons, daughter, and even his zombie son, Roy. It was rough, and even the revelation that he was working undercover, with his mind blocked by Martian Manhunter’s telepathy, hasn’t repaired his damaged reputation. As this issue opens, Green Arrow is on the trail of a couple of loose ends in the form of the brutal dipstick known as Peacemaker and his alternate-universe counterpartner, Peacewrecker. Delivering them to Belle Reve prison, Oliver takes a moment to visit the newest convict, Amanda Waller. When The Wall informs him how stupid he’s being and how she will eventually return to power, knowing who he is and what he does, Green Arrow calmly responds. Come after him or his family, he warns her, and next time, he won’t hesitate to put an arrow or ten in her. He then teleports to the Watchtower to explain to his colleagues, which quickly turns into a classic hot-headed Green Arrow rant… after which he takes a breath and realizes that the team has voted unanimously to re-admit him. But then there’s the matter of Team Arrow.
I hadn’t realized how HUGE Oliver’s costumed family had become, but as he was confronted by Arsenal, Connor Hawke, Red Arrow, Red Canary, Cheshire, her daughter Cheshire Cat, Speedy, and Arrowette, I was certain that the jig was up. But if nothing else, Mister Queen is a charismatic man, and he manages to make peace with his family, explaining that it’s time he got back to where he belongs: The Boardroom! The second half of the issue is a prologue for the next G.A. creative team of Chris “That Texas Blood” Condon and artist Montos, promising intrigue, murder, and a return to Star City. The art in both halves of the story is very attractive, and I have to appreciate the crowd shots in the JL Watchtower, featuring dozens of superhero cameos. The wrap-up of Williamson’s plot is mostly housekeeping, with the most exciting things happening in Condon’s portion of the story. I will say that, as much as I like seeing it, the fact that the entire League AND his sister, sons, grandkid, and alternate universe daughter accepted Ollie’s words without question felt a bit anticlimactic, but I understand why that decision was made.
If you’re looking for the fabled excellent jumping-on point, Green Arrow #17 fits the bill, serving as a capstone to what has come before, including a satisfying butt-kicking for the boorish Peacemaker, while previewing a new day for Oliver Queen that has a lot of potential, with good-looking art pulling it all together for 3.5 out of 5 stars overall.
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The shocking end of the 'Absolute Power' era and the beginning of a new day for Oliver Queen, all wrapped up in one double-sized package. Worth checking out.