After Krakoa, mutants have scattered around the world. Now Rogue, Gambit, and Wolverine try to find purpose once more in The Uncanny X-Men #1 by Marvel Comics!
Writer: Gail Simone
Artist: David Marquez
Colorist: Matthew Wilson
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $5.99
Release Date: August 7th, 2024
Previously in X-Men: The mutant community has dealt with many trials over the last several decades. Perhaps the most devastating was the loss of Krakoa and the death of Professor X. On top of that, people are reverting to their prejudice against mutantkind, even though some welcome them with open arms!
The Uncanny X-Men #1 starts with Dr. Ellis visiting the abandoned Xavier’s School to turn it into a prison. She plans to burn everything to the ground and even has her first prisoner. Meanwhile, Wolverine contemplates death by visiting an old dying war buddy in Mexico City. He travels to the Pyramid of the Sun and finds Gambit and Rogue there to deal with a problem. They see Sadurang, the God Snake, who has the Eye of Agamotto. Gambit steals it while Rogue and Wolverine fight, and they strike a deal. Sadurang leaves for Antarctica, and Gambit will return to the Eye after one year.
The trio meets with Nightcrawler to visit a Make-A-Wish kid excited to see the X-Men. However, moments after they arrive, the kid starts to pass. Devastated, Gambit, Rogue, and Wolverine head to Louisiana to figure out what to do. As they deal with their emotions over the loss of Krakoa, four random kids appear, asking for help!
Gail Simone is an excellent comic book writer. I am a fan of her work and the way she approaches characters. The setup for Uncanny X-Men #1 was fantastic. I felt that I got into the psyche of all the characters, and we have set up the premise that they are at a low point. We also see the direction in which they will climb out of their funk. I picked this book up because it featured some of my favorite X-Men characters, but I found myself contemplating death like Wolverine or pondering my purpose like Rogue. Excellent writing keeps up the story’s pacing while allowing us to get into the characters’ heads.
I enjoyed the art style of the book. I think Sadurang, sitting on top of the Pyramid, was incredibly detailed and added quite well to the story’s setting. It also allowed the artists to show their creative muscles by featuring these characters in action. But perhaps the best part here is the use of colors. The green from the Eye of Agamotto contrasting with the purples of Gambit’s color alongside the yellow of Rogue and Wolverine was great on the page.
I think this is a near-perfect first issue. The Uncanny X-Men sets up a lot of promises here that it needs to keep. We introduced a battle for the Eye of Agamotto without any obvious payoff. We also introduced a dying kid to create an emotional beat for the characters. If that plotline or emotional beat isn’t continually addressed, it will be wasted in the scheme of the entire story, and I find myself worried about that. However, the creative team has created a unique balance of plot, character, and setting held together by solid conflict. Considering that The Uncanny X-Men #1 is 5 out of 5 stars.
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The Uncanny X-Men #1 introduces complex characters as the focal tone of the story that I believe will build into a great story arc. Seeing Gail in the driver's seat for this story is also great.
1 Comment
I would have given it a weak 6.5 at best. I love Gail Simone, but the story seemed so dour and I never got a sense that Rogue was the leader, it took me awhile to realize the green comment box was her inner thought. There seemed to be 3 stories in this too. I will continue with it, but I was not impressed. And at $6 I want to be impressed. I was reading comics as a kid, I wonder if modern kids have their parents buy $6 comics?