The smartest Ranger of all… is out of ideas. Your Major Spoilers review of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #121 from BOOM! Studios awaits!
Writer: Melissa Flores
Artist: Hendry Prasetya
Colorist: Matt Herms
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Editor: Allyson Gronowitz
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: June 26, 2024
Previously in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Billy devises a plan to delay Dark Specter, desperate to stop the growing infection from spreading, but the consequences of his risky idea are impossible to predict. In order to shore up his resolve for what’s to come, Billy seeks strength among friends new and old, but will it be enough to defeat Dark Specter once and for all?
The Blue Ranger can’t sleep. Worse still, Billy is still “haunted” by a specter of Grace Sterling, something that he chalks up to a hallucination. but it feels a lot more like a ghost trapped in the Morphin Grid. Despite this fact, Billy treats her as a figment of his imagination, even when searching for an answer with Dino Charge Purple Ranger Kendrix and the Phantom Ranger. He can’t see the sense in their plans, since Dark Specter’s metaphysical infection is within the Grid already. But when Drakkon’s former right-hand-woman Kiya explains why she tried to shatter the Power Eggs last issue, Billy starts making calculations. Upon learning that the Morphin Grid had already been shattered, the Blue Ranger wonders if it couldn’t be broken again.
And if it could be, would anyone help him do it?
Any crossover has its potential pitfalls, but one of the most difficult is the possibility that things will get so dark that readers worry the heroes will never be able to save the day. Transferring that worry to one of the characters was not something I expected to see in these pages, but when it happens, it’s remarkably effective. The return of Prasetya and Herms on art is interesting, serving as a throwback to less catastrophic times for the Rangers, while keeping the ever-increasing tension up. Rocky and Adam’s post-corruption recovery is a harrowing read, but the disbelief on Billy’s face when Jason confirms that the Blue Emissary, HIS own Emissary, conspired to keep the events of Shattered Grid from him is just painful. And the shocking moment that serves as our cliffhanger ending is equally visually impressive.
The upshot of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #121 is that ALL of the primary Rangers have been officially traumatized by their time in the Power Center, but Billy’s breakdown is as eccentric and logical as the man himself, with well-done art leading to an unexpected climax and 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. Of course, this might be a good time for the Rangers to actually win a couple.
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Even if you haven't been watching or reading about Billy Cranston since 1993, this one will likely rattle your teeth a bit.