Ivory is locked in his own trunk. If you think that’s bad, wait until you see how he gets out. Your Major Spoilers review of Nights #7 from Image Comics awaits!

Writer: Wyatt Kennedy
Artist: Luigi Formisano
Colorist: Francesco Segala
Letterer: Maria Letizia Mirabella
Editor: Alana Fox
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 29, 2024
Previously in Nights: Attention: Tonight’s performance of Sweeney Todd has been directed by Rudy Ray Moore and written by Walter Hill. We apologize for the confusion. Ivory’s in trouble, Vince plays a double, and Matt will make you chuckle!
Also: A lot of people die this issue.
Night #7 begins in the theatre, with ancient vampire Gray, and Matt the dead boy, preparing for Vince’s debut in the title role. (Also, Matt has smuggled in candy inside his busted skull, which is both gross and hilarious.) They’re waiting for Ivory, who has been locked in a trunk for several weeks, and the back-and-forth of the story is actually the best part of it all. As Vince deals with prop mishaps and forgotten lines, Ivory is freed by his captor, which leads to page after page of swift and blinding violence, as well as a talking cat named MacGuffin. By the time things calm down, Ivory is ready to give up his life of murder and violence and return to his girl AND he makes it before the curtain falls to congratulate his friend.
Of course, the monster inside him isn’t entirely on board with his new lease on life.
The main reason I picked up this issue was the fascinating solicitation, but upon picking it up, I was immediately lost in an interesting, fantastic world. My first pass through the issue, I had no idea what was going on, but even without context, the dialogue, the characters, and the mad violence of it all held my attention. The art is also well done, super-clean, and reminiscent of Jamie McKelvie’s line work with a little more ruggedness. The real joy is seeing the cartoony design of Matt, who resembles a cartoon skeleton, perfectly balanced against the petite and realistic Gray, or watching Ivory, who is entirely covered in horrific scars, talking to a magic cat who resembles an angry Garfield. Perhaps the crowning achievement of this issue is Ivory taking the still screaming severed head of his foe and lighting it on fire, responding that he never asked the creature’s name because he just doesn’t give a $@!+.
The best part of Nights #7 is the fact that I followed up reading it by buying and reading the previous six issues in one big binge, which is one of the best experiences of picking up a random issue seven, finding art and story that swirl together into something pretty cool, earning 4 out of 5 stars overall. I suspect that the endgame is the end of the world, and I honestly want to see how that’s all going to play out.
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Ivory's journey to the theatre is a bit on the crazy side, but it's well worth the time, if only for the sheer enthusiasm.