With all the strife Diana has faced, it seems her greatest challenge might be trying to buy a birthday gift while surviving Superman’s puns. Your Major Spoilers review of Wonder Woman #7, awaits!

Writer: Tom King
Artist: Guillem March
Colorist: Arif Prianto
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Editor: Brittany Holzherr
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: March 19th, 2024
Previously in Wonder Woman: The tensions between the Amazons and the US government have never been higher, with Wonder Woman being targeted specifically. All the while a shadowy puppet master pulls the strings.
Wonder Woman #7 opens with Diana arriving at Andromeda Mall, the largest shopping center in the universe. After a small run-in while trying to park, she meets up with Superman and it’s revealed that they’re trying to buy Batman a birthday gift. What follows is a humorous romp through the shopping mall as they struggle to figure out the perfect gift. Along the way they manage to catch part of a movie, get pedicures, and have their lives threatened by attackers, all while Diana desperately tries to avoid any sort of serious conversation with Clark, especially about the recent troubles she’s been having on Earth and why she can’t ask him to help her.
There’s no doubt that this run of Wonder Woman has been intense and heavy at times and while I don’t think that this issue fits in particularly well with the rest of what’s been going on, it is a nice breath of fresh air. The whole setup of trying to find Batman a gift is just an excuse to give Superman and Wonder Woman some sitcom-style fun, while also poking a bit of fun at The Trinity’s individual and joint histories. Do all the jokes land? Absolutely not, in fact, some are downright cringe-worthy. But collectively they come together to set a fun tone and let the fact that these characters are not only comrades in the fight for justice, but also long-time friends, shine through. In addition to this lighthearted feel was what came off as strong A Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy vibes as you get information about the mall itself, but also little tidbits about the universe from background conversations and one-off jokes from Diana and Clark. Unfortunately, as fun as this issue was, it’s difficult to shake just how out of place it feels with the rest of the series. This easily could have been an annual or a one-shot special, but to have it be a numbered part of the ongoing series, just seems like a strange choice. But, taken on its own merits, this is a good time, a little cheesy, but still fun.
Visually, Wonder Woman #7 is a very busy comic. There doesn’t seem to be a single missed opportunity to really fill in a panel. With the exception being any extreme close-up, every page is jammed pack with some sort of background detail. Thankfully this seems to have been an excuse to put in some sort of quirky looking alien, or a joke, or an easter egg. The one off-putting element of the artwork though is Wonder Woman’s facial expressions. Throughout the issue, she switches back and forth between a sort of pouty look, or a bewildered blank look, with a couple of moments of laughter sprinkled in. It just gave her an emotionless presence in an otherwise kinetic issue.
With the sheer number of little jokes and callbacks sprinkled throughout this, there’s bound to be something here that will make you smile, especially if you have a history of reading these characters. Not all the jokes are winners though and this does feel out of place in the larger scheme of things, but there’s no doubt that you’ll have at least a little fun reading this one. 4 out of 5 stars.
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Wonder Woman #7
Wonder Woman #7 is one of those rare issues where you get to see these larger-than-life characters be a bit more human in a way that doesn’t involve unspeakable tragedy. If you can stomach some corny jokes and a decent amount of sentimentality, this will be a fun read for you.