In order to save reality, The Avengers must save one of their most dangerous foes. But can Kang even be saved? Your Major Spoilers review of Avengers #10 from Marvel Comics awaits!

Writer: Jed MacKay
Artist: C.F. Villa
Colorist: Federico Blee
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: February 7, 2024
Previously in Avengers: As the Avengers battle the Twilight Court, the mysterious Myrddin has his rival within reach. With Kang being the only source of information the Avengers have regarding the Tribulation Events, can the Avengers save him before Myrddin strikes?
Last issue’s battle with the forces of the Twilight Court seemed to end with a clear win for the Avengers, until they realized that Myrddin was missing. The wizard had slipped away to Kang’s bedside, seemingly ready to kill the unconscious Conqueror, but as this issue begins, he has chosen instead to monologue. Myrddin taunts Kang with the knowledge that, while they are both searching for the “Missing Moment,” a bit of time hidden away from time-travelers, only able to be accessed by heroes, he can make sure that Kang doesn’t find it. Admitting that he actually likes their rivalry, Myrddin chooses to tilt the playing field by erasing Kang’s knowledge, leaving his foe at a disadvantage. As Kang rages, shouting at Captain Marvel and Iron Man before disappearing into nothingness, Thor and the Scarlet Witch return to Nightmare’s realm to deal with his part in the story. At first, he blusters and rages, but Wanda confronts him with the truth: He wasn’t attacking because he wanted to eliminate humanity. He was attacking as a warning because he… was afraid.
That end sequence, wherein Thor and Wanda meet Nightmare as equals (given that he is the All-Father of Asgard and she is the Living Darkhold, possessing the power of Chthon) and call him out is doubly impressive. Not only does it remind us just how powerful these heroes are, but it also presents the utterly terrifying news that the upcoming Tribulations frighten even a force of nature. It’s a powerful moment, though a little bit undermined by the stylized art, which omits subtleties in favor of broad, powerful strokes. The final image of a brutalist Thor and Witch with no pupils and glowing eyes is probably my least favorite of the issue, as if feels like it’s lacking in subtlety. With a script this clever, it stands out even more.
As the final chapter of this arc, Avengers #10 is a little bit puzzling to me, expanding on Kang’s dire warnings in unexpected ways, playing up the danger of the coming threat while undermining that seriousness a bit with the art and some of the more esoteric story beats, but still does well enough to earn 3 out of 5 stars overall. I remember being frustrated at this point in Jason Aaron’s Avengers as well, though, and I’ve become one of the biggest proponents of that long game, so this isn’t a dealbreaker issue for me, but I hope that MacKay and company are poised to come back strong with issue number eleven.
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The Tribulation Events are still a mystery, but the scale of them is frightening, and things are looking even more horrifying, though the issue features very little in the way of Avengers or avenging.