Take another look at Aaron and Jace’s story with a focus on the art and commentary from the artist! It’s House of Slaughter Pen & Ink #1 from BOOM! Studios.

Writer: Tate Brombal
Artist: Chris Shehan
Letterer: Andworld Design
Editor: Ramiro Portnoy and Eric Harburn
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Cover Price: $6.99
Release Date: January 31, 2024
Previously in House of Slaughter: We learned more about Aaron Slaughter and his fateful meeting with Jace Boucher. Now we have the opportunity to revisit that time through the lens of the inks.
House of Slaughter Pen & Ink #1 is not a new story in the series; it revisits the first issue. However, I wanted to review it because I think it really adds to the story. Much like watching a video about the making of a movie, this book takes us behind the scenes and gives us some insights into the creative process behind the story.
House of Slaughter is a spinoff from Something is Killing the Children. To tell a new story that is part of an established world, but which goes off in its own direction, and to do it in a way that does not detract from the original, is a challenge. The writer, Tate Brombal, talks about this in his forward.
But this book really is all about the pen and ink. The book features the inks without the colors. While we are used to color in most comics these days, to see the line art on its own is really something. I think we sometimes take the art for granted – that it is line and ink and color that combine to be all one thing. To see the bare bones of the ink is to see how powerful it is on its own. We can better see the play of light and shadow on the page and appreciate how they are used to lead us through the story the writer is telling.
Throughout the book, Chris Shehan has added commentary which is fascinating. He tells us what he was trying to communicate through the art and, as if by magic, we see how it works. It is like having a magician provide a little understanding into how some of their tricks work. I think we readers may take the art for granted, especially when it does what was intended. But it is truly magical to understand the choices that were made in its creation and to see how it works with the writing to create the powerful story we enjoy.
House of Slaughter Pen & Ink #1 is a worthy addition to the collection if you love the tales from this universe. The commentary is fascinating and thought-provoking. The art is powerful and to see it in black and white makes it look fresh and new.
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House of Slaughter Pen and Ink #1
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