The Titans versus Brother Eternity, and in the balance hangs the soul of the hero called Tempest! Your Major Spoilers review of Titans #7 from DC Comics awaits!

Writer: Tom Taylor
Artist: Travis Moore
Colorist: Tamra Bonvillain
Letterer: Wes Abbott
Editor: Brittany Holzherr
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 16, 2024
Previously in Titans: Brother Eternity shows his true self as the Titans battle for their friend with the hope of freeing him from the enigmatic cult leader’s spell. Will exposing the Church of Eternity and their ulterior motives turn the tide of the war for Earth?
As the Beast World crisis rages, the Titans return to their Tower to find their home flooded and under siege by Tempest and Brother Eternity, now revealed to be a renegade member of Starfire’s Tamaranian race. Cyborg and Starfire are able to neutralize Eternity’s advantage, with a little help from Oracle/Batgirl, who has been forced to fight the team’s leader (and her ex-boyfriend) Nightwing. Eternity’s final gambit plays out as he planned, though, as he manages to finally get one of the Star Conqueror spores into the Titans he most wants control of. No, not Starfire. He’s after Cyborg! Things look dark for the Titans as Victor’s body is infected, Tempest has Batgirl where he wants her, and Beast Boy is…
Well, let’s just say Beast Boy is out of play.
There are some truly brilliant turns in this story, which remind me a little bit of the JLA’s first battle against the Hyperclan back in 1997 or so, a good reference point for Taylor’s scripting. Each Titan gets a little badass moment here, but special attention has to be given to Starfire’s refusal to be enslaved, Raven’s response to Brother Eternity’s behavior, and most of all, the way that Cyborg responds to having an alien parasite leap down his throat. Travis Moore’s art is likewise good, but I do find myself missing the intricate and detailed facial expressions that Nicola Scott brought to the table in the first few issues. Everyone looks fine, especially The Flash, but Moore’s work is slightly more stylized, which blunts the effect of shocking moments somewhat, especially on the final page.
With the team already down two heroes (I think Donna is off helping Wonder Woman in her own book), Titans #7 puts the team in the middle of their first giant crisis as the first line of defense, allowing each member a little room to prove their salt and doing so with solid art that only suffers in comparison to the previous penciller, earning 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. If things are what they seem to be in Beast World, the next couple of issues of Titans should be pretty dramatic and well worth watching for.
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Brother Eternity's plan hits its final phase, and the Titans have to step up to the plate as Earth's most powerful defenders, all the while dealing with their own losses, Amanda Waller and maybe a little trouble in their own ranks.