All is lost, and it seems not even Zordon can turn the tide. Your Major Spoilers review of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #115 from BOOM! Studios awaits!

Writer: Melissa Flores
Artist: Simona di Gianfelice
Colorist: Raul Angulo
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Editor: Allyson Gronowitz
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: December 27, 2023
Previously in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The White Ranger comes face to face with pure evil and watches in horror as the unthinkable happens to his friends. Dark Specter’s power grows and spreads, pitting Zord against Zord as the corrupted Rangers battle their loved ones. As Mistress Vile begins to regret what she’s unleashed, two other villains may be the key to the Rangers’ only hope, and the last resort for seeking answers within the Morphin Grid!!
As Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #115 opens, White Ranger Tommy has been captured by Mistress Vile and the Dark Specter, and while his power has proven to be resistant to the corruption that has overtaken the other Rangers, he’s still locked up by the woman who turned him into the Green Ranger however many years ago it was now. Rita tries to manipulate him, but Tommy refuses to give in, reminding her that abuse is a cycle, and that Dark Specter is treating her just like she treated him. As for the aforementioned Specter, his army of brainwashed Power Rangers keeps growing, but his own lieutenants are starting to doubt what they’re doing. The few remaining uncorrupted Rangers (including Lord Drakkon, Lord Zedd, and Drakkon’s own evil Rangers, which does not sit well with Pink Ranger Kimberly) attack, but it’s all a trap.
Of course, it does allow Drakkon himself to enter the Morphin Grid, but… he’s not alone.
Having missed the last couple of issues when they came out, I was a little bit taken aback by how grim this issue is. The only person in this comic book who isn’t being ground into an existential paste is Dark Specter, but even he is inhabiting Zordon’s body, so even that’s a technicality. There are also a lot of Rangers to be found in this issue, with the Omega, Hyperforce, Drakkon, Wild Force, and Dino Charge teams in play and not a lot of context for them. Even as a hardcore fan, there were some comprehension issues, and while the art is enjoyable, it’s sometimes hard to tell exactly which corrupted Power Ranger we’re dealing with. Gianfelice does good work with the quieter moments of the script, especially the conversation between Rita and Tommy at the beginning, and the final page reveal of an unexpected player in the Morphin Grid is also enjoyable.
When it comes to big crossover stories, it’s sometimes hard to make the individual chapters work as stand-alone stories and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #115 does have that problem, but those who have been following the big crossover will enjoy it, and the issue does give us some deep-dive personal moments with the Green Ranger, the White Ranger, and Rita Repulsa, earning 3 out of 5 stars overall.
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Tommy is imprisoned, Matt is traumatized, Jason and Kimberly are devastated. And most of the other Rangers work for Mistress Vile now.
It's pretty dark stuff, and there are a lot of Rangers to keep straight, but it's got a lot going for it.