Silk must enter the dream world to save her brother from a Sleep Demon! Find out if she can fight off the nightmares in Silk #5 by Marvel Comics!
SILK #5 (OF 5)
Writer: Emily Kim
Artist: Ig Guara
Colorist: Ian Herring
Letterer: Ariana Maher
Editor: Lindsey Cohick
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: September 6th, 2023
Previously in Silk: Cindy Moon is a web-spinning superhero known as Silk! Saya and Max Ishii set a trap for Silk to keep her in the dream world with Ja-Li, a sleep demon. Silk’s brother, Albert, and Doctor Strange’s right-hand man, Wong, helped Silk wake up from the dream world, but Saya decided to try and free the Ja-Li regardless, fusing herself with the creature. Weakened, Cindy barely escapes Saya’s clutches. Now Cindy and a remorseful Max try to stop Saya, but Saya returns to the dream world and enters Albert’s dreams.
Silk #5 begins with Cindy, Max, and Wong trying to figure out how to reach Albert in time. Max offers his help, revealing that he just wants his sister back. Max can send Silk back into the dream world and must weaken Saya so he can trap her. Even though Cindy is strained, she agrees. In Albert’s dream, he is acutely aware that Saya is here and that he is dreaming. Since he is aware, he can lucid dream, so instead of Silk going toe to toe with Saya, he conjures up a bunch of trials for the creature to burn energy. This includes a zombie attack, a high-speed chase, a candy land, and a few others. Cindy then fights her for an easy victory only after the beast tires out.
In the waking world, Saya is trapped in the computer, and Max agrees to turn himself into the authorities. Cindy realizes that Albert is not the kid she remembers from before her time in the bunker and deserves to be treated as a whole team member.
When you think of a superhero comic, you would think the title character is the protagonist, but in Silk #5, it isn’t Cindy but Albert who controls the narrative’s climax. I wonder what would happen if I read the story from the perspective that Albert was the main character and Silk was a supporting character. Would that have changed some of my previous critiques of the series? I don’t know, but it affects my understanding of the story structure. I am glad that Albert is getting some attention. He seems like a promising character who could really support Silk’s endeavors and be a solid supporting character while also shining a light on the Asian American experience in a different way than Cindy can.
The creative team had the opportunity to create these brilliant dreamscapes that translated well on the screen. I applaud the linework and coloring as it seamlessly brought us from one location to another.
I liked Silk #5 quite a bit. I thought the ideas were fascinating, and I was satisfied by this story’s conclusion. However, there are some concerns about pacing and structure that I struggled with because this comic is in single issues. I would like to read this as a trade to potentially come to a different conclusion. Considering that Silk #5 is 4 out of 5 stars.
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Silk #5 provides engaging ideas that seem to make Albert the protagonist rather than Silk.