It has been one thousand years since the Sinister Gene infected the universe. Now Sinister and Rasputin IV are on a quest to reset time. Find out if they succeed in Immoral X-Men #3 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Kieron Gillen
Artist: Alessandro Vitti
Colorist: Rain Beredo
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles
Editor: Jordan D. White
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: April 5th, 2023
Previously in Immoral X-Men: Sinister used Moira Mactaggart clones to reset time and give him unlimited do-overs. He infected the Quiet Council with a Sinister Gene that later infected the world. With mutants leading the charge, they have taken over the universe. Sinister realizes this is a mistake, but his secret base, where he kept the Moira clones, is stolen, and he cannot reset the universe. Now, 1000 years later, he searches for his old laboratory to make things right.
Immoral X-Men #3 starts with Rasputin IV infiltrating an Exodus’ cult and finding a secret. To combat the infuriated Exodus’ clone, Sinister starts a war with another cult, likely leading to fatal casualties. The mystery was a recording from Destiny, who states that she knows how to find the Moira clones and offers to help him. She also reveals that she knows Sinister is not planning to reset the world but become a Dominion. Rasputin IV realizes that Sinister isn’t trying to save the world and attacks him, which causes Sinister to jettison her off into space.
Sinister then finds an old Moira robot and a Doombot and heads to the coordinates Destiny sent him. He is tracked and followed by Emma Frost and her sect. Sinister arrives at the World Farm guarded by Jon Ironfire. Meanwhile, Rasputin IV is offered a deal to take Sinister down once and for all.
The Sins of Sinister events need more issues to explore these events. There is so much information in Immoral X-Men #3. There is a commentary on what every Quiet Council member is up to, the last 900 years of history, and weird character growth from characters that we aren’t actively shown. These ideas are fascinating, and for what it is worth, it is presented really well. But there isn’t enough space to fully absorb these complex ideas. I want to explore some of these complex ideas critically. I want to see what happens with Emma Frost and Beast and these random sects that make up the universe now. Instead, it is glossed over in favor of the plot. This event has too big ideas for the pages that it received. If we had spent a whole issue with Rasputin IV and Sinister and another with Sinister traveling to the World Farm, the story would have been given more time to breathe.
The art is unique. It doesn’t feel like a modern Marvel comic. It instead feels like it is referencing an older style, but I can’t quite pinpoint why I feel like that. But the use of colors is brilliant here, and I felt the color palette change every time it happened. Great work here.
I am invested in Immoral X-Men #3, but I don’t know if I find the more significant event satisfying. I think by the end of it, I am going to be wanting a lot more. These ideas need more time to develop, and as we look at the last few issues, I am afraid we are only touching the service of this series’ potential. 3.5 out of 5 stars for Immoral X-Men #3.
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Immoral X-Men #3
Immoral X-Men #3 explores the complex characterization of Sinister without giving the new revelations the time it needs to create impact.