Have you ever wondered how Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd met? Have I got a comic book for you! Your Major Spoilers review of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 from BOOM! Studios awaits!
Writer: Melissa Flores
Artist: Simona di Gianfelice
Colorist: Raul Angulo
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Editor: Allyson Gronowitz
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 22, 2023
Previously in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Power Rangers and Omega Rangers join forces in an epic struggle against a friend-turned-foe! Mistress Vile’s diabolical scheme also comes to a head as she possesses an object of immeasurable power… and a sidekick with darker origins than the Rangers thought possible!
Our story begins in the distant past, thousands of years ago on planet Spearo V, as Lord Zedd confronts a threat that has invaded his army. The threat turns out to be a sorceress (one that we know is Rita Repulsa), but their battle makes the Z-Man wonder if he’d be better off working side-by-side with her, and suggests that they join forces. In the present, we all know how that went, as the newly minted Mistress Vile nearly killed Zedd and struck out once more on her own. Her plan is to use her own Morphin Grid energies to open a portal and free the Dark Specter that hides within, and she has brainwashed the new Green Ranger to do it. The Power Rangers and Omega Rangers want to work together to protect planet Safehaven, but Zordon (rather imperiously) shuts down their protests and flat-out orders his team to return to Earth. Kimberly refuses, but most of her teammates return home. That’s when Alpha-1 attacks AND Lord Zedd breaks out of Zordon’s brig…
…then comes the REAL bad news.
Okay, I need to get this out of my system: I HATE THAT ZORDON CALLED THE RANGERS HIS “SOLDIERS!” It smacks of that awful Power/Rangers short film making the rounds a few years ago, and it’s well past time that writers accept that you can’t have a superhero story AND pick at the “child soldiers” thread in any satisfying way. That said, this issue is a tense one that showcases Trini’s skills as team leader, while really underlining how untrustworthy Zedd is, as even when on the Rangers’ side, he’s a jerk and his actions at the end of the issue are incredibly worrisome. The art really sells that last page splash, too, with Simona di Gianfelice showing off some strong design work and a cool pose all at once, while the battle sequences are all well-handled. There are some odd moments to be had (like Trini’s seeming unwillingness to wear her helmet or Nale’s sidelining or whatever is up with The Vessel), but it’s a good chapter, nonetheless.
Things don’t look good for our ten Rangers in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106, and as much as I’d like for them to get a break, this is at least a different level of threat and mixes up the players in interesting ways, with strong art that makes it fun to look at (especially when it comes to another new Zord combination), earning 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. I was a little skeptical when the new arc was announced to be featuring Rita Repulsa, but this creative team has made her into a new and intriguing threat.
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Tommy and Jason have a great moment, we learn how Zedd and Rita met, and Trini really comes into her own as a leader, all against the backdrop of the newest threat to reality. A well-done issue.