Discord has the unity crystal, but the Mane 5 are right behind him! Find out if they can stop him before he takes away magic in My Little Pony #9 by IDW Publishing!

Writer: Celeste Bronfman
Artist: Amy Mebberson
Colorist: Heather Breckel
Letterer: Neil Uyetake
Editor: Riley Farmer
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: February 1st, 2023
Previously in My Little Pony: The next generation of ponies brought magic back to Equestria! However, the danger is still around the corner when DIscord, the Spirit of Chaos, steals the unity crystal and threatens to take away magic again. His logic? Magic makes some people feel inferior and therefore brings sorrow. However, the crew has a lead, and Zipp is trying to pick up the trail!
My Little Pony #9 starts with the Mane 5 at Discord’s house, trying to find clues about his whereabouts. One of his Daring Do book issues is missing. The group summarizes that Discord is going to the Basaltic Caves. The lava there will be enough to destroy the crystal. However, a heated argument starts between the ponies. They try to rationalize the philosophy behind Discord’s decision and air out past trauma. But they are on a time clock and opt to ignore the issues to find their way to the cave. After a ton of traveling and getting lost, they find the entrance to the Basaltic Cave, solve the riddle, and encounter Discord. But with magic glitching, they are no match for him and are sent to a cage overlooking the lava!
As I mentioned many times in previous reviews, My Little Pony is for kids, and I read this story to my daughter every month. Some of the earlier comics seemed dull and focused on a single adventure for the issue. I was pleasantly surprised that in My Little Pony #9, we returned to the meta-narrative while also engaging me as an adult. The philosophical idea of being equal is a complex subject. I was interested in how the creative team broke it down for easier understanding. I’m not sure my five-year-old will get the conversation about equality versus individuality, but she understood the need to talk through problems. Without talking them through, they grow bigger and bigger! But introducing these ponies through the lens of an adult theme is a well-appreciated idea for me.
The art was okay in My Little Pony #9. I felt the plot did not give the artists much room to shine. However, the art was consistent and not distracting, which is the best compliment I could give. Great work here by the creative team.
I think My Little Pony #9 is an excellent read for everyone. I respect the thoughts and their presentation for kids. This particular issue caused my wife and my daughter to take a moment to pause and add a unique depth to the overall reading experience. With all that in mind, My Little Pony #9 is a 4 out of 5 stars.
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My Little Pony #9
My Little Pony #9 is an excellent narrative storyline and story points that make this story a solid pickup.