Abigail Brand enacted her plan to start another interstellar war, but Storm and the Brotherhood of Arakko thwarted her! Now Storm faces off against Vulcan in X-Men Red #10 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Al Ewing
Artist: Stefano Caselli and Jacopo Camagni
Colorist: Federico Blee
Letterer: VC’s Ariana Maher
Editor: Jordan D. White
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 4th, 2023
Previously in X-Men Red: Vulcan is reset to “Emperor” Vulcan, and Abigail Brand has manipulated him in her political schemes. Vulcan tries to murder Deathbird but only finds Sunspot in disguise. He then heads to the Autumn Palace to search for Deathbird, only to find Storm there to fight him. Meanwhile, Cable and his team went to the World Farm of the Progenitors to try and dig up Brand’s entire plan.
The bulk of X-Men Red #10 shows us the deadly fight between two omega-level mutants, Vulcan and Storm. However, at the World Farm, Khora of the Burning Heart uses its power to boost Cable to fight Orbis Stellaris and the other Progenitors. Manifold tries to use his power but doesn’t have a reference point. Lactuca the Knower reconnects him to his native reality. Manifold teleports the enemy to the outside of reality and his team back to their ship. Meanwhile, Sunspot and the Shi’ar empire arrive to arrest Abigail, but she escapes by teleporting. Unfortunately for her, she teleports into the hands of the Fisher King.
Vulcan and Storm have a deadly battle, but Storm appears to be on the defensive. Vulcan tires himself out until Storm summons rain to nullify Vulcan’s power. She then reveals that the Great Ring put water underneath Arakko to give her an advantage. They then imprison Vulcan with the promise to watch him and continue to work together. The last page displays that Orbis Stellaris is the human, Nathan Essex.
I wasn’t aware that this storyline was set to conclude in X-Men Red #10, and I was caught off guard when all this action happened in short succession. The art of the fight between Vulcan and Storm was excellent to look at on the page, especially as Vulcan unleashes his full power against Storm. The banter of the crazy Emperor versus the cool-headed Storm kept me on the edge of my seat. This fight was accented by political movements from Sunspot and the Great Ring of Arakko that established the character development of the Arakko mutants. This leads to a satisfying conclusion with the capture of Vulcan and Abigail Brand.
I am not thrilled about having Nathan Essex back in play for this comic. Sinister has had a significant role recently in other X-Men comics. Still, I want X-Men Red to focus more on Arakko stuff than adding another Earth-based villain here. That is a minor complaint for future X-Men Red comics that doesn’t affect the overall quality of this particular issue. Great work by the entire creative team.
X-Men Red has felt a bit rocky for a few issues after the A.X.E. event but has managed to wrap up major story plots in a dramatic conclusion. Storm and the mutants of Arakko prove to be engaging characters that deserve to have stories written about them. With all this in mind, X-Men Red #10 gets 4.5 out of 5 stars.
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X-Men Red #10
X-Men Red #10 provides a satisfying conclusion by wrapping up several major plotlines and presenting a unified front on Arakko.