The Magron is dead, but Kaya is injured and Zothan has lost face and followers. When she reaches Goro Bay with her brother, will they find safe harbor? Find out in Kaya #4 from Image Comics!

Writer: Wes Craig
Artist: Wes Craig
Colorist: Jason Wordie
Letterer: Andworld Design
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 4, 2023
Previously in Kaya: She, Seth, and Zothan set out to kill the Magron, a gigantic, two-headed spider. Using a farmer’s last ox, they set up a trap for it. While they work, Zothan talks to Muska and tries to convince him to follow him. Jin talks with Seth and urges him to be honest with Kaya about his betrothal. At night, the Magron arrives and an excited Zothan attacks early, which sends it back to its lair. The small group follows and discovers a cave full of connecting tunnels from which it tries to ambush them. In the fight, Muska is killed. Zothan flees, but Kaya and Seth work together to kill the monster.
As Kaya #4 opens, Jin is with the farmers, anxiously awaiting his sister’s return. She does come back, badly wounded. She orders Zothan to return to the cave with Garung to salt and pack the Magron. Jin sees his sister flinch in pain, and he runs off. Seth asks his uncle Bulba, the shaman, to help with Kaya’s wounds. Jin finds a place where he can be alone, and he pleads to the gods of Kahaka to save his sister. We see that he is touched by the divine. We also see that Bulba in the shadows; perhaps he sees the little boy.
Seth and Kaya have a moment alone, and she asks the Lizard Rider to join them. After a moment of agonized thought, he tells her he is betrothed to someone else. His aunt, the Queen, had wanted him to propose to Kaya to unite their peoples, but after their home was destroyed, she changed her mind. Emotionally, her hopes are dashed, but physically she is doing better.
The next morning Zothan returns with the Magron. Jin is excited because he believes his magic worked to heal his sister. Bulba conducts Muska’s funeral and pyre. The Lizard Riders, who are with them, shift their loyalties to Seth. They have made friends with the farmers from Goro who decide to tell their neighbors that these are good people.
And then we see an odd flying creature pass over the Lizard Riders, fly into some ruins, and announce to someone hidden that the Golden One is approaching Goro Bay. We see hints of two other beings, one very large and the other who has a tentacle replacing one of his arms. They talk about how their trap is nearly sprung.
At the gates of Goro Bay, Kaya announces the death of the Magron and orders the guards to let them in. There is a moment of silence before the order is given to stand down, but one of the archers lets loose in surprise. Kaya catches the arrow with her metal arm. Still, the gates slowly creak open.
The art of Kaya #4 does a fantastic job of reflecting the moods of the characters. The opening scenes take place at night with stronger shadows that are used not to obscure the characters, but to isolate and emphasize parts of their faces so we can focus on them. The farmer is overjoyed that they have killed the Magron, but the hunters return weary and sore, not celebrating. This is the first time we have seen Kaya so seriously injured, and it looks like the first time Jin has, as though up to this point, he had not realized that she could die.
The scenery of this world is intriguing. Most of the people we have seen so far are not humans. We have met Lizard Riders and the semi-aquatic people of Goro Bay. The buildings of Goro Bay look like they were built by a culture we are not familiar with. The city looks prosperous and protected, but a looming hill beyond it has the ruins of some other structure. As the panels show it more closely, there is a doorway that looks like the open mouth of a giant head. Other half-buried ruins vaguely suggest other body parts. I like the way this gives us a feeling of ancient history in this place.
Kaya #4 shows us changes in several characters and reminds us that Jin is central to this story. As we move forward, the plot is deftly balanced by expanding on the history just enough that we learn what we need. This is a solid and thoughtful read.
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Kaya #4
One obstacle is out of the way, but new problems lurk just out of sight.