Magic is on the fritz, and the ponies are worried magic may be going away. Can the Mane 5 figure out what is going on before it is too late? Find out in My Little Pony #1 by IDW Publishing!
Writer: Celeste Bronfman
Artist: Amy Mebberson
Colorist: Heather Breckel
Letterer: Neil Uyetake
Editor: Jonathan Manning
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 25th, 2022
Previously in My Little Pony: The next generations of ponies are here. This series follows the events of the hit Netflix movie and ties in with the new cartoon. Magic has recently returned to Equestria, and Sunny is the new alicorn. But she and her friends must navigate a world reintroduced to magic!
My Little Pony #1 starts with a brief flashback that shows us Canterlot, a city from the previous generation of ponies. In the modern-day, Sunny plays with Zipp and Pipp in a flyball game. Izzy feels left out because she doesn’t have any wings, but luckily, she is around because magic seems to suddenly stop. Izzy uses her quick thinking to save some Pipp. The ponies grab Hitch and realize that someone stole one of the harmony crystals. Zipp uses her investigation skills and Cloudpuff’s sense of smell to pick up the thief’s trail. The ponies decide to split up with magic running out before magic is gone entirely. As Izzy is exploring, she finds the ruins of Canterlot!
When I picked my comic books to review for the week, my daughter sat in my office. As I was scrolling through the options, she aggressively pointed towards My Little Pony #1. Because of my daughter’s interest, I’ve watched the entire nine seasons and the movies multiple times. I know this lore more than most fictional worlds. My Little Pony #1 feels like a story from the previous series despite having different characters. And in a way, for young readers, it makes it exciting because they are likely familiar with the previous material. It was much the same for an adult reader, except all the ponies have cell phones now.
Despite that, Izzy’s feeling left out in this comic is relatable. Not only is it a delightful story for younger readers, but it is also an applicable lesson. This is a solid pick-up for a child with great art for the target audience.
I enjoyed reading My Little Pony #1. Now, I am not the target audience, and it didn’t grab my interest. But my daughter loved it, and perhaps that is the best review anyone can give. 4 out of 5 stars for My Little Pony #1.
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My Little Pony #1 is a remarkable story for a younger audience that tells an important lesson.