Silk is searching for a 400-yo Korean witch who steals people’s youth. Unfortunately, she may just be the witch’s next target. Find out more in Silk #3 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Emily Kim
Artist: Takeshi Miyazawa
Colorist: Ian Herring
Letterer: VC’s Ariana Maher
Editor: Lindsey Cohick
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 30th, 2022
Previously in Silk: Between her day job as a journalist for Threats & Menaces and being the superhero Silk, Cindy Moon doesn’t have time for other things. However, her therapist tells her to try and find friends, hobbies, and dates to be a happier person. Unfortunately, she is investigating a Korean spirit targeting the young generation’s most influential people and taking their life force from them!
Silk #3 starts with a dinner between Cindy Moon and her brother, and Silk mentions she feels upset she hasn’t found herself. And worst, the next day, J. Jonah Jameson is upset that his new website doesn’t compare to the news that travels with SnapShot. Unsure what to do, Cindy decides to help Raffety move. As they discuss podcasts and social media stars, Cindy realizes that the witch targets people with many followers. Something about having many people “worshiping” you gives you more life force.
After realizing who the witch’s next target is, Silk runs off to rescue food blogger Amir. She is too late, and the witch forces Amir to age. Silk attempts to fight off the witch and even manages to trap her in webbing. However, the witch absorbs Silk’s life force from the webbing itself, returning her to her youth and aging Silk dramatically!
I often am surprised when superheroes deal with modern problems. I am used to the older comics that didn’t have social media and mass technology themes. Silk #3 tackles these problems head-on and addresses how Cindy Moon must manage her identity in the social media age. Watching her navigate technology while also trying to separate her work and hero life from who she is as a person is incredibly engaging. I enjoy watching her talk and interact more than this series’ brief action bits. And watching her slowly solve this case is such a treat.
I wasn’t a fan of how social media influencers are treated in this series. Amir is a food blog, but we read comments where he is ignoring his followers. We saw a content creator blatantly breaking the law in the first issue. Her friend, Raff, seems to have a podcast about a passion project but doesn’t seem to have a lot of followers. I wish we could explore this career field a bit more to shine a light on the positive aspects of social media rather than poking at influencer tropes.
Silk is my favorite character in the spider family, and Silk #3 provides a lot of depth to the title character. This comic has excellent writing and decent art that makes you want to cheer Cindy Moon on. I give this comic a solid 3.5 out of 5 and am looking forward to the next issue with that all in mind.
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Silk #3
Silk #3 portrays the struggle of Cindy Moon as she tries to balance work, superhero responsibilities, and sleeping.