The Eltarian War rages on, and the Rangers are scattered across the world. Fortunately, the heroes have backup… from ZORDON!? Your Major Spoilers review of Power Rangers #14 from BOOM! Studios awaits!
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Francesco Mortarino with Christian Prunesti
Colorist: Raul Angulo
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Editor: Dafna Pleban
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 29, 2021
Previously in Power Rangers: With information gathered from Zordon and the Blue Emissary, our motley crew of heroes and villains set their sights on defeating the minions of their former ally and conducting a rescue mission.
But in a galaxy full of enemies, who (or what) awaits their rescue?
After Billy and Alpha’s last-resort effort, a new Ranger has joined the fray, and he’s got 10,000 years of tactical experience to back them. That means Zordon is the front line in an direct attack on the Eltarian ship, accompanied by Jason and Trini of the Omega Rangers. He cuts through the ships defenses like a hot knife through Velveeta, then dispatches his team with one important reminder, “My way isn’t the ONLY way.” Back on Earth, impulsive Green Ranger Matt uses his powers to free Grace from the remains of Promethea, which brings Sentry Force Four down on their head and leading to an all-out battle. The Rangers, however, have unexpected allies in the form of Rita’s goons, whose lack of morality and unpredictability give the heroes an edge against the disciplined Eltarians. (Best line of the issue is a tie, between Squatt’s excited, “CHEATING ROCKS!” and Goldar dispatching a foe with a gruff, “I don’t fight clever. I fight dirty.”) That’s when Zartus arrives with a full force of Empyreals, prepared to destroy the Earth…
The final panel is a real bombshell for both those who have been following BOOM! Power Rangers from the beginning, and also anyone who remembers seasons 2 and 3. I’m looking forward to what happens next there, but just the visuals as Lord Zedd steps out of the wreckage of the moon palace is worth the price of admission for me. The art throughout the issue is equally good, from a two-page spread of Zords in action to the multiple battle sequences on multiple planets. (Goldar has never looked quite so heroic, nor so terrifying.) The buildup to this stage of the story has been slow and inexorable (maybe even too slow) but now that we’re here, it’s a very satisfying issue, full of quick and effective scene changes and strong dialogue. Best of all, I don’t even know which side Zedd (the former ally of Zordon, and this story’s villain, Zartus, back on Eltar) is going to end up on, making for a truly uncertain cliffhanger endings.
All in all, Power Rangers #14 is a very successful issue, balancing eleven Rangers, a force of Eltarian warriors, Zordon in armor, Zedd’s villainous minions, and a pair of galactic-level threats well, with exciting art and the kind of thunderbolt twists that many comics could only hope for, earning 4.5 out of 5 stars overall. There’s a truly satisfying beauty in seeing Zordon once again armored and cracking skulls that would make this fun all by itself, but the rest of the issue is a match for that killer visual.
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Unlikely allies, an old friend in a new role and a surprising-yet-inevitable final page make for a truly fun, really pretty comic book.