Professor X and Magneto led the Mutant Force against the Squadron Supreme of America and in the rebuttal, Charles Xavier died. Find out how this could happen in Magneto & the Mutant Force #1 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Steve Orlando
Artist: Bernard Chang
Colorist: David Curiel
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles
Editor: Wil Moss
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: May 26th, 2021
Previously in Magneto & The Mutant Force: In a world where the Avenger’s never came to be, Magneto and Professor X led the final push for independence against the Squadron Supreme of America. What happened next was a violent response that left Xavier dead and many other people wounded. Now Magneto provides shelter for mutants that have managed to survive.
Magneto leads a mutant team to break Emma Frost out of existence because he thinks he can hear Xavier’s voice in his head. After returning to Island M, Emma Frost takes some of the Mutant Force into Magneto’s psyche where they notice that Charles Xavier’s mind has taken up residence. However, it is like hunting down a man who thinks he is cornered, and they must fight their way through horrors. Eventually they find Charles Xavier’s psyche and awaken him.
Meanwhile, Hyperion and Power Princess have found Island M and begun to fight the mutants. The battle is brutal and bloody. There is no remorse as Hyperion fights and seemingly kill hundreds of mutants. However, Hyperion and Power Princess are whisked away as a new mutant emerges from Magneto’s body. Not Professor X but Cassandra Nova!
I wish that we had more time exploring this particular timeline. Seeing Magneto taking on the role of himself and Professor X is a very engaging concept. In fact, I wish we got a chance to watch him lead a bit more. Because of the nature of this event, it makes sense that we weren’t going to get very much, but Mutantkind is filled with so many kinds of people that are just backdrop characters. We are also exploring a different view of racism. One where America, or rather a team that represents America, destroyed mutant kind. Now X-Men has always been an analog for this, but in this case mutantkind lost so fully that it made the book a bit of a downer. I think the Heroes Reborn line is meant to be light-hearted and the writing felt that it was trying to capture that same tone. But the theme was dark and gritty which led to a story that felt didn’t have a lot of balance.
Heroes Reborn: Magneto and the Mutant #1 had a lot of great ideas here and I kind of wish they gave this issue more of a prologue leading up to it. We see Rogue, Jubilee, and other mutants that we don’t get to explore them very much. The art work was solid and overall, this series had plenty of great ideas. 3.5 out of 5 for this one from me.
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Heroes Reborn: Magento and the Mutant Force #1
In this alternate timeline, we get to see Magneto take on the role of protector rather then aggressor. This change of role leads to an engaging new twist on the classic hero team.