Dane Whitman is after the other Ebony items after Mordred attempted to kill him an ebony dagger. With Elsa Bloodstone and Jacks, the trio rushes to the Ebony Chalice in Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #3 by Marvel Comics!
Writer: Si Spurrier and Sergio Davila
Artist: Sean Parsons
Colorist: Arif Prianto and Chris Sotomayor
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Editor: Tom Groneman
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 19th, 2021
Previously in Black Knight: Dane Whitman wields the Ebony Blade but realizes that there were four ebony items created. Mordred is trying to obtain all four of these items, even killing Dane to get it. Luckily, the Ebony Blade can resurrect Dane! He is joined by Elsa Bloodstone and Arthurian Scholar Jacks as they look for the Ebony Chalice!
The trio tracks the Ebony Chalice to a ruin called Listeneise. Upon arrival, they are attacked by Mordred and a Redcap. Elsa Bloodstone engages with the Redcap who uses his ability to create a handful of gore constructs. The Black Knight engages with Mordred, but the ruins cause both combatants to succumb to their worst fears. Mordred is rejected by his father and Dane Whitman’s past comes back to haunt him. Mordred recovers first and commands the Redcap to kill Dane before he can recover and retrieve his sword. If the Black Knight is killed with the sword in hand he will resurrected.
Elsa and the Recap aren’t affected by the nightmares because they have a bloodstone. Elsa has one bullet left and has a clear shot on her target. But instead chooses to shoot Dane to kill him when he had the sword in his hand. In the fight, a raven familiar gives Jacks a vision about the darkness that the Ebony Blade can instill in its user. She is then able to take that information and recover the Ebony Chalice as Mordred takes a tactical retreat.
Dane has been trying to find his purpose in a world that only wants him for his powers. Especially since no one pays attention to what the cost of using the Ebony Blade is. Through the vision, Jacks will learn the corruption and darkness that comes with being the Black Knight. With that knowledge, I imagine that it will help sort out her own trauma of being an orphan and having to survive by herself. You kind of see the second act of these characters coming together nicely and that is riveting to watch on the page. Sometimes it is nice to read a well written story that has excellent pacing. With solid art, there is little to complain about.
I especially enjoyed the theme of loneliness. All three of these characters are lonely in one way or another and they cope with it in different ways. Are we seeing the potential of a “chosen” family trope starting soon? I don’t know but it would be a great way to take the characters.
This is a solid comic. While I don’t think you are going to get anything new or life changing in this issue, it is looking to lead to a satisfying ending. 4.5 out of 5 for this one. Great, enjoyable writing here.
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The Black Knight takes three characters who are dealing with their own trauma and puts them together to help sort through their problems. Backdropped with a Arthurian based mythos leads to a great story.