When it comes to discussions in a nerdly vein, there are a few phrases and arguments that just make my eyes roll. I hate arguments that some characters are “over-powered”, as though there aren’t different kinds and levels of of story to be told. I loathe hearing people argue that certain shows or fictional folk don’t “deserve” to be as popular as they are, as though there’s a clear hierarchy and points awarded. But perhaps the most heinous is the argument that the likes of Batman or Deadpool is “overexposed“, rather than seeing the cycle of creative folks trying to give audiences what they keep paying for over and over. To that end, we arrive at to today’s ubiquitous query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) is once again providing no context, allowing you to bring your own to the party, asking: Batman or Deadpool?
Batman. The context: Who has the pointiest cowl of them all?
Adam West Batman.