Apocalypse’s mission has failed. He has been slashed down by his children, the original Four Horsemen of the apocalypse! Now Krokoa prepares for war in X of Swords – Chapter 2: X-Factor #4 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Leah Williams
Artist: Carlos Gomez
Colorist: Israel Silva
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Editor: Jordan D. White
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: September 30th, 2020
Previously on X of Swords: The war has begun between Krakoa and Arakko. The conflict will be resolved with a tournament, ten swords of power, and a prophecy that is stuck within Polaris’ mind. The nation of Krakoa needs to work hard to try and figure out what is going on before they run out of time!
Apocalypse’s crew returns from the Outerworld with a dead Rockslide and a dying Rictor. They are immediately sent to the Healing Gardens where Ricter dies as well. Resurrection protocols begin but something is odd about Rockslide’s revival. Since he died on the Outerworld, it is as if Rockslide exists but Santos does not. Polaris blames herself but she is pressured to figure out the prophecy by her father. She realizes the truth and takes the old Rockslides remains to create a new teleportation circle and Magik takes her sword and powers one section of it.
Chapter 1 of this arc really emphasized a theme of family and this issue is no different. Polaris is effectively emotionally abused by Magneto to try and figure out what is going on. And everyone observes it and a few even comments against Magneto. Yet in a way, Magento’s parenting leads Polaris to accessing the prophecy and figuring out what to do with Rockslide’s corpse. So it becomes a huge grey area about what was the right thing to do or if a wrong can make a right. I enjoy this concept tremendously as family dynamics is a trope I don’t get sick of.
I don’t think I have a good feel for the story arc as a whole. From what I have seen it this is a great start, but it may begin to slow down pacing wise. The story has a lot of foreshadowing but when you get your comics week by week, I may forget some of these critical details. But the book is so well done and the art is quite beautiful. I am so happy it isn’t just about people fighting other people but also about these new interpersonal relationships that the Krakoa nation has established.
I enjoy the new X-men run and Krakoa has been a great story point. This is going to be a cool series that will have a great ending. I am just worried that the middle and collecting these swords may be a little slow. However for this issue, an easy 4.5 out of 5 from me!
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X of Swords - Chapter 2: X-Factor #4
X of Swords continues with the resolution of Apocalypse's mission and the start of the story arc as a whole.