Having finally finished ‘The Legend of Korra,’ I am surprised to admit that my favorite character is not hardcase firebender cop Mako, nor the incredibly powerful and goofy Bolin, or even the Avatar herself. No, my favorite ends up being the morally questionable but undeniably brillant and devious Sir Iknik Blackstone Varrick, idiot genius extraordinaire. Sure, he can be insensitive, he is down with war profiteering and he nearly got everyone killed more than once, but like Batman, he always has a plan. They’re usually pretty bad, but his flair for improvisation is god-tier, and when he finally admits his feelings for Zhu Li and does the thing, it’s a truly touching moment, leading to today’s scenery-chewing query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) truly believes that Varrick is that world’s version of Tony Stark, another character who fits today’s topic, asking: Which fictional character is your best example of the idiot genius?
“Doctor” Rusty Venture for every great idea he has ten worse ones.
Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius. His own genius is his biggest downfall.
That’s a really GREAT example. Well done!