Shirley wants to move on from being a ghost, and Agi may be able to enable this, but she can only do it by taking over Daphne’s body. What could happen to Daphne though? Find out in Ghosted in L.A. #8 from BOOM! Box.
Writer: Sina Grace
Artist: Siobhan Keenan
Colorist: Cathy Le
Letterer: D.C. Hopkins
Editor: Shannon Watters
Publisher: BOOM! Box
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: February 12, 2020
Previously in Ghosted in L.A.: Daphne and her ex-boyfriend Ronnie find themselves so interested in Rycroft Manor and its ghosts that they’re not taking the time to connect with people in the real world. Zola has difficulty learning what her power is and how to control it. She and Agi finally start to connect. And, as everyone settles into their new routines with Daphne as part of their lives, Shirley confesses that she wants to move on from being a ghost.
Ghosted in L.A. #8 starts out with some of Shirley’s life story. She was a nurse who lived with and cared for her mother. Her two sons don’t call her as often as she’d like. It’s a lot to juggle, but she does her best. But then she learns that her mother is having chest pains and is not to keen to go see a doctor about them. I think it’s a reflection of life that will be familiar to a lot of women.
Shirley, as a ghost, misses her family. As much as she loves everyone at Rycroft, she feels she has put in her time and she wants to move on. The obvious difficulty is that they’re all ghosts who have not been able to move on – that’s the whole point. Well, short of Agi dispatching Maurice. But Agi has heard of another ritual that should do the trick. All she needs is a human body to possess in order to perform the ritual. Nothing could go wrong with that, right?
The obvious human is Daphne, and it sparks a debate among the ghosts as to how dangerous this will be to her. Zola does not think she should do it. Ricky and Shirley are pretty certain she’ll be fine. Daphne appreciates their concern, but she feels like this would be the right thing to do and she agrees to it.
Bernard goes to see Ronnie. He feels that, as Daphne’s friend, he should know what’s going on. But that’s not the only thing he has to say. He’s decided that he and Ronnie should not be hanging out together anymore. Not only is he a ghost, but there is a significant age difference between them. That’s a wise move on Bernard’s part.
On campus, Michelle is meeting with her Bible study group. As they talk about the Holy Spirit, she asks if anyone believes in ghosts, giving Daphne’s behavior as the reason for her question. They brush her and Daphne off, assuming Daphne’s drunk. Michelle lets this go, but it looks like she’s still thinking.
With Daphne’s consent, Agi takes over her body. (More about this when I discuss the art!) She rounds up everything she needs, sets up the ritual, and conducts it – and it doesn’t work. Shirley is resigned to staying here, if this is where she was meant to stay, but she can’t help feeling that something happened with the ritual. She isn’t the only one. Daphne experienced something that may change her life.
Ghosted in L.A. #8 shows us turning points for several characters, and these are beautifully drawn. If there’s an emotional theme, it is that of people showing concern for others, each in their own way. It makes this group feel like a close community, even a family. They care about each other.
A fun point in the art, though, is when Agi takes over Daphne’s body. She has her first opportunity in some time to have an actual body, and she’s going to enjoy it. She dresses in her own clothes, which is a lovely suit that looks as though it dates from the ‘40’s or ‘50’s. While the features are Daphne’s, the attitude and body language is all Agi, and it comes through loud and clear. The transformation back to Daphne is equally striking
Ghosted in L.A. #8 is the end of an arc. It’s been a quiet one, focusing more on the ghosts and how they came to be here and introducing the mysterious door in the basement. I like that Michelle, Kristi, and Ronnie have roles to play, and that things are finally making a dent in Daphne’s life. It continues to be a charming story with up and downs, but also full of acceptance and affection.
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Ghosted in LA #8
Just as things start to settle down at Rycroft Manor, Shirley wants to make a change.