Regular listeners of our Dueling Review podcast will note that Stephen takes great joy in poking at me about the recent Carnage-centric Marvel crossover. I’ve mellowed on my youthful dislike of characters like Wolverine, Green Lantern Kyle Rayner and even Venom, but the idea of taking a character whose concept is “the worst elements of humanity AND Spider-Man” and upping the ante into the blood-soaked mess that is Carnage is something I can’t stand. It’s not that I don’t like him, as it’s sometimes fun to mock and snark about things you don’t like, it’s truly a fundamental disconnect between Carnage and my world-view, leading to today’s razor-edged query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) also thinks that Woody Harrelson’s fright wig was quite silly, and hopes that any Venom sequel does better with Kasaday’s hair, asking: What single fictional character is the one you most find you can’t stand?
Damian Wayne. I’m pretty sick of Bat-anything at the moment and he embodies all that’s bad at Batman.
Boba Fett.
So of course, when Disney finally makes a live action Star Wars TV show, it’s all about a friggin’ mandalorian. Blargh
I partially agree. Boba Fett as a character is overrated. He is the essence of style over substance. I hope he stays dead.
In the Mandolorian, he is not the super-uber warrior that Fett was supposed to be, but a mostly competent bounty hunter that has a conscience.
Yeah, I’ll probably end up watching it. It’s just all the Mandolorian lore we have exists only because of fan and author obsession with Boba Fett, and I can’t separate that knowledge from the experience whenever I encounter it.
It’s partially irrational, but that’s how deep my feelings about the overratedness of Boba Fett go.
I guess i hate Deadpool more than Venom. Yeah. Deadpool and all related spin-offs.
hands down, The Punisher. never have i seen a comic character so embraced and misinterpreted by so many unsavory types in my life. moreso than Deadpool.
and “unsavory” is obviously subjective, but personally, the types of folks who are really, really into the Punisher are dudes who i’d rather stay far away from.