People will tell you that having children changes your perspectives on the world, and I’m here to tell ya: That’s where they’re right. Take, f’rinstance, ‘The Breakfast Club.’ As a teen I was impressed with Bender’s bravado, even though I knew I was more Brian than anything, and enjoyed it’s adolescent ruminations on reality. Now, watching it with my kid, I’m more bothered by the sexism and absentee/abusive parenting and have to tune out some of the more juvenile sentiments, because I got old and my heart died. Still, it’s a movie I enjoy a lot (though my daughter and I liked the ‘Victorious’ parody version better) leading to today’s neo-maxie zoom query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) is probably 3/4 Hollywood nerd, with a thin veneer of Carl the Custodian these days, asking: Which Breakfast Club archetype are you more like to see yourself as: A brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess or a criminal?
Brainy Athlete, 50/50.
Janitor Carl.