Despite the Web of Life and Destiny being destroyed, Miles Morales finds himself traveling through the multiverse! Find out what has dragged Myles Morales out of his comfort zone in Spider-Verse #1 by Marvel Comics!
Writer: Jed MacKay
Artist: Juan Frigeri, Stacy Lee, Arthur Adams, James Harren, Dike Ruan, Sheldon Vella
Colorist: Carlos Lopez, Stacy Lee, Federico Blee, Dave Stewart, Sheldon Vella
Letterer: VC’s Joe Sabino
Editor: Nick Lowe
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 2nd, 2019
Previously on Spider-Verse: Miles Morales is just getting used to being Spiderman until he finds himself being pulled into the multiverse. Find out if Miles can figure out this multidimensional mystery and what has happened to the Web of Life and Destiny!
Miles Morales is on patrol facing a villain known as 8-ball. As he says his corny punchline, he is called by someone known as Spider-Zero. He then finds himself being pushed through the multiverse and finds himself in a gang war, Monsterhattan, and even Earth 138 with Spider-Punk. After being thrown into Earth-51778, or “Planet Spider”, he finally is able to meet Spider-Zero, who seems to be a young female child featuring a cool green and red spider costume. She reveals that Annie May Parker has rebuilt the Web of Life and Destiny and they must figure out what is corrupting it. It is time for a new generation of spider-characters to save the multiverse by finding Annie May Parker and repairing the web.
Man, does this story move quickly from one scene to another. Before I could process what was going on in one universe; we are thrown into the next one. This is likely the intent of the writer to keep us on our toes and he does this very well. We get a glimpse of Monster-Spider and then suddenly we are in a Mad Max-esque world for two pages. This story flies trying to keep you on edge and you get to see a bunch of different artists portraying their own style in their respective universes. I think this aspect is the strength of the book. Keeping your attention as you move from one thing to another and not giving you time to breathe.
What I have found the book lacking is the sense of intrigue and mystery. The solicitation implied that one of the biggest aspects of the story is going to be who rebuilt the Web of Life and Destiny. The book itself did not set up this question from the start and gave us the answer right at the end. Maybe it was wrong to believe the solicitation but I was hoping that the arc was going to be more about what happened to the Web. Instead we are going to get a storyline about who Spider-Zero is and finding Annie May Parker. Which is a good storyline but it was not what I expected.
The theme seems to be one of filling your predecessor or mentors shoes. Spider-Zero and Miles Morales both have to fill the shoes of strong Spider-Characters before them. We got a taste of this theme in the last couple of pages and am looking forward to seeing it explored in future issues.
Despite some of my disappointment, I think this book is worth a pick up. It is beautifully drawn and colored and is well executed with what the writer intended to do. If you liked the movie or previous comics with this topic, then this is a must pick up. 3.5 out of 5 for Spider-Verse #1 for me.
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Spider-Verse #1
It is beautifully drawn and colored and is well executed with what the writer intended to do. If you liked the movie or previous comics with this topic, then this is a must pick up.