With the news that Robert Pattinson is our new Batman, and that his debut might feature as many as SIX villains, I’m at once intrigued and exhausted. On the one hand, it sounds like a new take on the Caped Crusader, which will be a welcome change after the Frank Millery version Ben Affleck played in ‘BvS’ and ‘Justice League.’ On the other hand, we’ve had nine and a half Batman movies since 1989, which means we’re getting The Dark Knight every third year or so. I’m much more excited about the maybe-on, maybe-off ‘Batgirl’ film outing that keeps getting pushed back, leading to today’s redundant query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) can’t wait for the nonsense portmanteau that Pattinson recieves from fans, maybe “Pat-Man”, asking: What DC character would you like to see in a film rather than Batman?
I could get behind a live-action Static movie. And I think that a Krypto film could be some wacky fun (leave “& the Super Pets” for a sequel, but definitely include Detective Chimp in some way.) But if we can’t get the Rock in a Black Adam movie, I don’t even know why we’re even talking.
Oh, and it’s “Batterson,” of course ;)
Gah! “Battinson.” Too much “Peterson” on the brain.
Any of them. But, let’s say Booster Gold.
I’m going to go with a Jamie Reyes Blue Beetle flick. You can use Ted Kord as a mentor or just have him as an already deceased hero who Jamie’s trying to live up to. It seems like they did well with Billy Batson, so why not take a chance on another young hero?
Literally anyone. I’m so over Batman. The only thing that makes him interesting is that his rogue’s gallery includes a few of DC’s best villains.
Not that Batman’s terrible, it’s just it’s ALWAYS Batman. There’s only so much you can do with him. DC’s stable is as big as Marvel’s, but while Marvel is giving us Dr. Strange, Ant Man and the freakin’ Guardians of the Galaxy, DC just keeps pushing the “Big 3” over and over again.