There’s a PSA making the rounds of the shows I watch (and yes, Stephen, I still watch with commercials) where a young girl talks about being bullied for wear glasses. Since everyone in my house (and indeed, everyone in nearly every house I’ve lived in) wears ’em, I hadn’t thought about that being something unusual or noteworthy for scorn. Heck, some of my favorite fictional characters wear specs, like Gary from ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ or Cyclops. Granted, his are a little bit different, but it still leads us to today’s transition-lensed query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) would say that all you contact lens or monacle wearers can vote “Yay” as well, asking: Do YOU, Faithful Spoilerite, wear glasses?
No, don’t need them.
I should. But don’t.
Since I was four.
Yep, sure do. So do my hubby and teenager.