After fifty-five years of webslinging, Peter Parker has saved a lot of lives. More than that, he has influenced a ton of other super-types, from the Spectacular Spider-Kid to Miles Morales to about four future children who inherited his powers. Spider-Verse added a lot of new wrinkles to the Spider Hero motif, including Speed Buggy-like Peter Parkedcar, the Amazing Spider-Mobile, as well as returning old favorite like Spider-Ham and the MC2 Spider-Girl to the fold, leading to today’s radioactive spider-query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) will always choose Takyua Yamashiro and his giant robot, because I’m old school about my deep cuts, asking: If you are NOT allowed to choose Peter Parker, which Spider Hero would you choose to save you?
I always liked Julia Carpenter. But I always loved the WCA.
That’s easy: Miguel O’Hara, Spider-Man 2099.
I feel like 2099 Spidey would be best equipped for the job.
I’m all in on Flash Thompson as Venom. The transition to Anti-Venom was okay, but I was less than pleased with how Slott tied that story up. I mean, blah blah revolving door, but it kinda cut the legs out from under it all for me.