Sure, there are a lot of great questions to be asked in our regular nerdly stuff, be it TV, video games or what’s for lunch, but somehow it always seems to come back around to the classic ‘Marvel Vs. DC.’ Is Superman stronger than The Hulk? Is Wonder Woman more godly than Lady Sif? Who’d pick up the check when Deadpool and Ambush Bug went out for blintzes? The mind boggles, but when it comes to the question of which super-type has the most powerful paraphernalia, it’s all down to hammers and jewelry, pitting the power of Thor versus the energies of Oa and leading to today’s accessorized query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) would like to stress that it’s the POWER of Thor, and not the whole godly life and package, as we’ve seen with Jane Foster, asking: Would you rather have The Power Of Thor or a Green Lantern ring?
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Only the power and ability to use it, but none of the responsibilities or anything else that comes with the package? Green Lantern Ring, no contest.