Thanks to my DVR never getting cleared out of old recording prompts, I suddenly found myself with a series of episodes of ‘The Mindy Project’, allowing me to finally see the last season of Dr. Lahiri’s life. I gotta tell ya, if I had to be a fictional doctor, it’d be a toss-up between her, JD from ‘Scrubs’ and Leonard “Bones” McCoy, and frankly, Mindy’s wardrobe might make all the difference in the world. She also doesn’t seem to do much actual doctor stuff, which means I wouldn’t be hanging out all the time in hospitals and junk, leading us to today’s frivolous-but-fabulous query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) really wouldn’t want to be any superhero Doctor, as they tend to get blown up and disrespected on a regular basis, asking: Which fictional doctor would you most want to BE, regardless of whether you’d ever want them to be your caregiver?
I feel like maybe Dr. Stephen Strange would be good. I get superpowers to go with my medical knowledge.
Probably Bones. Feels like he’s in the best position of all the fictional doctors I know.
Despite being part of my least favorite Trek series, Doctor Phlox. I envy his opportunity to have a front row seat to new discoveries (both horrific and amazing, sometimes simultaneously) while making do treating a crew stumbling through space with relatively limited medical supplies compared to the fancy sickbays of the future ships.
Ratchet, from various versions of the Transformers mythos. Think about how much a doctor who has a lifespan of millions of years can do?
An obvious one. The Doctor. You get to travel the universe, meet new people and live for a millennia.