Among my issues with ‘Doomsday Clock’ is the fact that, somehow, Edward Blake has been resurrected and traveled over to the DC Universe proper along with Ozymandias, Rorschach and some new characters. Aside from the fact that he should be something like 85 years old since ‘Watchmen’ used real-time aging and the DCU doesn’t, it was Blake’s murder that actually spurred the entire plot of the book in the first place. It’s perhaps the most unnecessary resurrection ever, negating not only the narrative point of the character but his actual in-universe rationale, all in the name of turning a rapist, murderer and assassin into just another bland, angry, leather-clad badass, leading to today’s Lazarusian query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) has a hard time thinking about one worse than the return of The Comedian, asking: What’s the most unnecessary resurrection in all of fiction?
Optimus Prime’s “zombiefication” in Transformers original cartoon to just bring him back (kinda) for one episode and to be killed again immediately.
Not to mention it isn’t that much longer (something like 10 episodes? I can’t recall offhand) before he actually does come back to life. It made the whole thing feel even more pointless and ridiculous.
I just checked and it was 21 episodes between “Dark Awakening” and “The Return of Optimus Prime”, but it was within a few short months from each other (between October 1986 and February 1987).
And at least once, in reruns, they were played back-to-back, if my memory serves…
The only answer I really have is a blanket “all of them” to the comics industry in general for robbing death of any meaning by bringing back practically every character they’ve ever killed off.
Bringing back a few is fine, but…