There are a lot of villains the DC Universe, but very few have hit the overused, overrated and over-retconned trifecta as hard as Slade Wilson. Depending on the era, he has been called The Terminator, Deathstroke, Slade and “that schmuck inna half-mask”, and he has gone back and forth from villain to antihero more often than anyone this side of The Hulk, but ever since his turn in ‘Identity Crisis’, Deathslade has been ubiquitous in the DCU. I don’t want to sound like a negative Nelly, ’cause I love his original costume and Termaslader’s motivation while being written by Marv Wolfman is complex and fascinating, leading to today’s four-years-before-Schwarzenegger query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) prefers to use his hybrid designation, Deathstroke The Terminator, asking: How do YOU prefer to refer to the villainous jerkface known as Slade Wilson?
Just Deathstroke, thanks.
Since my first meaningful experience with him was in the CN Teen Titans cartoon, Slade and I are on a first-name basis
This is my experience as well
Slade Wilson is Deathstroke, The Terminator
Deathstroke the Terminator: Father of Grant & Joseph Wilson. Eventually a daughter of questionable parentage Rose was found. Ex-husband of Adeline Kane Wilson.