I have a theory about things that are good: Even when they’re not the best, they’re still pretty good. Case in point: Pizza. Even when my daughter insists on pepperoni and pineapple on a crunchy thin crust, which is not my favorite, I still get pizza. Indeed, it’s easy to compare our pop culture obsessions to a decent pie: ‘Crisis On Infinite Earths’ is… not as good as a nice deep dish, but still pretty good. ‘The Dark Knight Returns’ is… not as good a even a frozen Red Baron, but still pretty awful. Season Nine of ‘How I Met Your Mother’ is roughly as good as a slightly burnt slice of Chicago-style, leading to today’s over-baked query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) know that the answer may be ‘Nothin’, especially if you like pizza the way I do, but I thought I’d ask anyway, asking: What in pop culture do you believe is better than pizza?
Super Sentai. But to be fair, it is a lot like pizza. It is cheesy, there is a large variety of contents and, at least in my case, both somehow involve cute Asian ladies (the pizza delivery girl in town is adorable and a bit dorky).
Puroresu, for mostly same reasons.
Hard for me to answer, since I’m a weirdo and find pizza to be “just ok”.
I know, I know. But this is where I find myself.