Ever since the reveal that the Green Lanterns weren’t the only Corps extant in the universe, I’ve been mixed on the idea of a rainbow of various Lanterns. Initially, there were clear differences, but over the past couple of years, things seem to have become six armies (and Larfleeze) endlessly clashing in deep space. Don’t get me wrong, I think Sinestro Corpsman Space Ape may be the greatest character find since Robin, and admittedly it is fun to think about which Lantern color Corps you might fall under. I’m terrible at striking fear, so Yellow is out and I look terrible in a loincloth, which seems to eliminate the Indigo, leading us to today’s chromatic query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) would say ‘Will’, if it weren’t for my inability to turn down delicious ribs, so I’m going with ‘Hope’, asking: What hue of Corps would be your preferred Lantern color?
Growing up and still being a big fan of Green Lantern, I still think I’d best fit in that Corps. I have no lack of imagination, and I’m fairly certain I have the will (considering all the things I’ve had to overcome in my years of health problems and disabilities). I’m not exactly fearless, but I’m not the type to let fear control me either.
My friends almost all say I would best fit as a Star Sapphire, despite the fact I’m a guy. They make some persuasive arguments, but I’d need a custom costume rather than one of those skimpy numbers. I don’t think anyone wants to see me in that (well, maybe this one girl, but she’s a bit odd).
I feel like at the end of day, my emotion is compassion, so indigo.