Thanks to a sudden busted molar, my dentist-fearing wife ended up with an emergency appointment at the oral surgeon recently, and I honestly think she would rather have faced a super-villain. For my part, I pretty much only go to the DDS offices when pain drives me there, but that’s more a matter of budgeting and general lack of funds than it is one of fear. (It also means that I’ve had five different root canals, so the next one is half off!) Still, now that she’s got heavy painkillers, I really think she could square off with Ultron or The Living Laser without skipping a beat, leading to today’s maxillofacial query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) reminds Faithful Spoilerites that is it Marvel Universe canon that Victor Von Doom has a dentist cousin named Bob who is scarier even than he, asking: Are you more afraid of Doctor Doom or a dentist?
Were he real, I’d be more afraid of Doctor Doom.
If I go to a dentist I know I am going, because I am seeking out specialized medical care. This knowledge helps me alleviate the nervousness (and guilt) I have for being in front of a dentist.
I guess Dr Doom takes this one.
Doctor Doom, for sure, although I’d rather go to the dentist than to the optometrist and have them shoot the air in my eyes!