The Spell on Wheels creative team of Kate Leth, Megan Levens, and Marissa Louise, are reuniting at Dark Horse Comics for Mysticons, a series of graphic novels based on the animated series.
Mysticons Volume One is a contemporary urban fantasy about four girls from different walks of life who are transformed into the legendary Mysticons! In Arkayna, Zarya, Emerald, and Piper’s first adventure, the girls investigate evil biker twins who have been stealing and using magic to keep first place in a deadly drag racing circuit, causing mayhem on the streets of Drake City. It’s up to the Mysticons to work together to save their city!
The second season of Mysticons is set to arrive on April 9, with Mysticons Volume One arriving in stores on August 8, 2018. The 80-page OGN has a $10.99 cover price.